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dc.contributor.authorRagusa, D-
dc.contributor.authorSuen, C-W-
dc.contributor.authorTorregrosa Cortes, G-
dc.contributor.authorDijkhuis, L-
dc.contributor.authorByrne, C-
dc.contributor.authorIonescu, G-A-
dc.contributor.authorCerveira, J-
dc.contributor.authorKranc, KR-
dc.contributor.authorBigas, A-
dc.contributor.authorGarcia-Ojalvo, J-
dc.contributor.authorMartinez Arias, A-
dc.contributor.authorPina, C-
dc.identifierORCID iD: Cristina Pina
dc.identifier.citationRagusa, D. et al. (2022) 'Dissecting infant leukemia developmental origins with a hemogenic gastruloid model', bioRxiv, [preprint]. 2022.10.07.511362, pp. 1 - 43. doi: 10.1101/2022.10.07.511362.en_US
dc.descriptionThis article is a preprint and has not been certified by peer review.en_US
dc.descriptionData availability: Raw data as well as processed count matrices and post-processed files from single-cell RNA-seq for the time-resolved data is available at E-MTAB-12148. Single-cell RNA-seq for the MNX1 overexpression experiment is available at Array Express with accession code E-MTAB-12149. Bulk RNA-seq of MNX1 overexpressing gastruloids is available at Array Express with accession code E-MTAB-12173. The post-processing was performed in Python on DockerHub: dsblab/single_cell_analysis:0.5. Scripts are available in and Zenodo ( The results published here are partly based upon data generated by the Therapeutically Applicable Research to Generate Effective Treatments (TARGET) ( initiative, of the Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) cohort GDC TARGET-AML. The data used for this analysis are available at and
dc.description.abstractCurrent in vitro models of developmental blood formation lack spatiotemporal coherence and weakly replicate the hematopoietic microenvironment. Developmentally-appropriate models can enhance understanding of infant acute myeloid leukemia (infAML), which putatively originates in utero and has 50% age-unique genetic events, suggesting unique biology. The commonest genetic abnormality unique to infants involves homeobox gene MNX1, whose leukemogenic mechanisms remain unknown. Recently, 3D self-organising embryonic stem cell (SC)-based gastruloids have shown promise in recapitulating embryonic events with time/space precision. Herein, we report a hemogenic gastruloid (haemGx) system that captures multi-wave blood formation, progenitor specification from hemogenic endothelium (HE), and approximates generation of hematopoietic SC precursors. Enforced MNX1 expression in haemGx promotes HE formation, perturbs endothelial-to-hemogenic transition, and critically achieves transformation, generating myeloid colonies which display MNX1 AML signatures. By combining functional assays with single-cell transcriptomics, we establish the haemGx as a new model of normal and leukemic embryonic hematopoiesis amenable to mechanistic exploration.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipThis project was funded by a start-up grant and a BRIEF award from Brunel University London to CP, and by ERC Advanced Grant (MiniEmbryoBlueprint 834580) to AMA. GTC was funded by grant FPU18/05091 from the Spanish Ministry of Universities. CP was also funded by a KKLF Intermediate Fellowship (KL888), a Leuka John Goldman Fellowship for Future Science (2017-2019), and a Wellcome Trust / ISSF Bridge Funding award at the University of Cambridge (2019). JGO acknowledges financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and FEDER (grant PGC2018-101251-B-I00), by the Maria de Maeztu Programme for Units of Excellence in R&D (grant CEX2018-000792-M), and by the Generalitat de Catalunya (ICREA Academia programme).en_US
dc.format.extent1 - 43-
dc.publisherCold Spring Harbor Laboratoryen_US
dc.rightsCopyright: The copyright holder for this preprint is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under a CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.-
dc.subjectdevelopmental hematopoiesis-
dc.subjectInfant leukemia-
dc.subjectacute myeloid leukemia-
dc.subjectsingle-cell RNA-sequencing-
dc.titleDissecting infant leukemia developmental origins with a hemogenic gastruloid modelen_US
pubs.publication-statusPublished online-
dc.rights.holderThe author/funder-
Appears in Collections:Dept of Life Sciences Research Papers

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