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Title: A New Riemannian Setting for Surface Registration
Authors: Bauer, M
Bruveris, M
Keywords: Registration;Surface Matching;LDDMM;Computational Anatomy;Geodesic Shooting;Adjoint Equations
Issue Date: 16-Sep-2011
Citation: Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Mathematical Foundations of Computational Anatomy - Geometrical and Statistical Methods for Modelling Biological Shape Variability,, 2011, pp. 182 - 193
Abstract: We present a new approach for matching regular surfaces in a Riemannian setting. We use a Sobolev type metric on deformation vector fields which form the tangent bundle to the space of surfaces. In this article we compare our approach with the diffeomorphic matching framework. In the latter approach a deformation is prescribed on the ambient space, which then drags along an embedded surface. In contrast our metric is defined directly on the deformation vector field and can therefore be called an inner metric. We also show how to discretize the corresponding geodesic equation and compute the gradient of the cost functional using finite elements.
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