Title: | Test of the exponential decay law at short decay times using tau leptons |
Authors: | Alexander, G Allison, J Altekamp, N Ametewee, K Anderson, KJ Anderson, S Arcelli, S Asai, S Axen, D Azuelos, G Ball, AH Martin, AJ Martin, JP Martinez, G Mashimo, T Matthews, W Mattig, P McDonald, WJ McKenna, J Mckigney, EA Behnke, T Grandi, C McMahon, TJ McNab, AI Meijers, F Menke, S Merritt, FS Mes, H Meyer, J Michelini, A Mikenberg, G Miller, DJ Gross, E Bell, AN Mir, R Mohr, W Montanari, A Mori, T Morii, M Muller, U Nellen, B Nijjhar, B Nisius, R Hajdu, C ONeale, SW Bell, KW Oakham, FG Odorici, F Ogren, HO Oldershaw, NJ Omori, T Oram, CJ Oreglia, MJ Orito, S Hanson, GG Palazzo, M Palinkas, J Bella, G Palmonari, FM Pansart, JP Pasztor, G Pater, JR Patrick, GN Pearce, MJ Phillips, PD Hansroul, M Pilcher, JE Pinfold, J Plane, DE Bentvelsen, S Poffenberger, P POli, B Posthaus, A Pritchard, TW Przysiezniak, H Rees, DL Hapke, M Rigby, D Rison, MG Robins, SA Rodning, N Berlich, P Roney, JM Ros, E Rossi, AM Rosvick, M Routenburg, P Hargrove, CK Rozen, Y Runge, K Runolfsson, O Rust, DR Rylko, R Bethke, S Sarkisyan, EKG Sasaki, M Sbarra, C Schaile, AD Hart, PA Schaile, O Scharf, F ScarffHansen, P Schenk, P Schmitt, B Schroder, M Biebel, O SchultzCoulon, HC Schulz, M Schutz, P Hartmann, C Schwiening, J Scott, WG Shears, TG Shen, BC ShepherdThemistocleous, CH Sherwood, P Siroli, GP Bloodworth, IJ Sittler, A Skillman, A Hauschild, M Skuja, A Smith, AM Smith, TJ Snow, GA Sobie, R SoldnerRembold, S Springer, RW Sproston, M Bloomer, JE Stahl, A Barberio, E Starks, M Stegmann, C Stephens, K Steuerer, J Stockhausen, B Strom, D Strumia, F Szymanski, P Tafirout, R Bock, P Hawkes, CM Takeda, H Takas, P Tarem, S Tecchio, M Tesch, N Thomson, MA vonTorne, E Towers, S Tscheulin, M Tsukamoto, T Hawkings, R Bosch, HM Tsur, E Turcot, AS TurnerWatson, MF Utzat, P VanKooten, R Vasseur, G Vikas, P Vincter, M Vokurka, EH Hemingway, RJ Wackerle, F Boutemeur, M Wagner, A Wagner, DL Ward, CP Ward, DR Ward, JJ Watkins, PM Watson, AT Watson, NK Herten, G Weber, P Wells, PS Bouwens, BT Wermes, N Wilkens, B Wilson, GW Wilson, JA Wlodek, T Wolf, G Wotton, S Heuer, RD Wyatt, TR Xella, S Yamashita, S Braibant, S Yekutieli, G Zacek, V BrightThomas, P Brown, RM Burckhart, HJ Burgard, C Hildreth, MD Burgin, R Capiluppi, P Carnegie, RK Carter, AA Carter, JR Chang, CY Charlesworth, C Charlton, DG Chrisman, D Chu, SL Hill, JC Clarke, PEL Clowes, SG Cohen, I Conboy, JE Cooke, OC Cuffiani, M Dado, S Dallapiccola, C Dallavalle, GM Darling, C Hillier, SJ DeJong, S delPozo, LA Dixit, MS Silva, EDCE Duchovni, E Duckeck, G Duerdoth, IP Dunwoody, UC Edwards, JEG Estabrooks, PG Hilse, T Evans, HG Fabbri, F Fabbro, B Fath, P Fielder, F Fierro, M FinckeKeeler, M Fischer, HM Folman, R Fong, DG Hobson, PR Foucher, M Fukui, H Furtjes, A Gagnon, P Gaidot, A Gary, JW Gascon, J GasconShotkin, SM Geddes, NI GeichGimbel, C Barlow, RJ Gensler, SW Gentit, FX Geralis, T Giacomelli, G Giacomelli, P Giacomelli, R Gibson, V Gibson, WR Gingrich, DM Goldberg, J Hochman, D Goodrick, MJ Gorn, W Homer, RJ Honma, AK Horvath, D Howard, R HughesJones, RE Hutchcroft, DE IgoKemenes, P Imrie, DC Jawahery, A Bartoldus, R Jeffreys, PW Jeremie, H Jimack, M Joly, A Jones, M Jones, RWL Jost, U Jovanovic, P Karlen, D Kawamoto, T Batley, JR Keeler, RK Kellogg, RG Kennedy, BW King, BJ King, J Kirk, J Kluth, S Kobayashi, T Kobel, M Koetke, DS Beaudoin, G Kokott, TP Komamiya, S Kowalewski, R Kress, T Krieger, P vonKrogh, J Kyberd, P Lafferty, D Lafoux, H Lahmann, R Bechtluft, J Lai, WP Lanske, D Lauber, J Layter, JG Lee, AM Lefebvre, E Lellouch, D Letts, J Levinson, L Lewis, C Beck, GA Lloyd, SL Loebinger, FK Long, GD Lorazo, B Losty, MJ Ludwig, J Luig, A Malik, A Mannelli, M Marcellini, S Beeston, C Markus, C |
Issue Date: | 1996 |
Publisher: | Elsevier |
Citation: | Physics Letters B, 368(3), 244 - 250, 1996 |
Abstract: | Quantum mechanics predicts an exponential distribution for the decay time of massive particles. However, deviations are expected for decay times shorter than about 10−13 s in models conjecturing the existence of hidden variables. Following a recent proposal, the decay length distribution of 5843 τ leptons decaying into 3 charged particles was analyzed in search of such a deviation. The deviation from an exponential distribution with respect to the number of decays present within the exponential form, expressed as the relative weight of an excess at zero decay length, was measured to be 1.1%±1.4%±3.5%. This result is consistent with zero deviation and leads to an upper limit of 8.5% and a lower limit of −6.3% at the 95% confidence level. |
Description: | This is the post-print version of the final paper published in Physics Letters B. The published article is available from the link below. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. Copyright @ 1996 Elsevier B.V |
URI: | http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/037026939501540X http://bura.brunel.ac.uk/handle/2438/8834 |
DOI: | http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0370-2693(95)01540-X |
ISSN: | 0370-2693 |
Appears in Collections: | Electronic and Electrical Engineering Dept of Electronic and Electrical Engineering Research Papers
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