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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
21-Mar-2024New laminar flame speed correlation for lean mixtures of hydrogen combustion with water addition under high pressure conditionsRrustemi, DN; Ganippa, LC; Megaritis, T; Axon, CJ
6-May-2024An Assessment of Current Hydrogen Supply Chains in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)Olabi, V; Jouhara, H
9-Aug-2024The effect of hydrogen fuel on the performance and emissions of 3 kWe natural gas fuelled microturbineJomekian, A; Alhasnawi, BN; Bazooyar, B; Nabavi, A; Varasteh, H
2-Oct-2024Hydrogen enrichment in methanol SI engine at varying injection timing during compression strokeIyer, SN; Rrustemi, DN; Ganippa, LC; Megaritis, T
24-Oct-2024Exploring the benefits of hydrogen-water injection technology in internal combustion engines: A rigorous experimental studyMohamed, M; Biswal, A; Wang, X; Zhao, H; Harington, A; Hall, J; Peckham, M
6-Dec-2024Exergy analysis of the lean-burn hydrogen-fuelled engineRrustemi, DN; Ganippa, LC; Axon, CJ