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Results 1-10 of 11 (Search time: 0.045 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
4-Mar-2024Impact of RON on a heavily downsized boosted SI engine using 2nd generation biofuel – A comprehensive experimental analysisMohamed, M; Biswal, A; Wang, X; Zhao, H; Harrington, A; Hall, J
11-May-2024Unveiling the Potential of Hydrogen in a Downsized Gasoline Direct Injection Engine Performance and Emissions Experimental StudyMohamed, M; Biswal, A; Wang, X; Zhao, H; Harrington, A; Hall, J
20-Jun-2024Experimental investigation for enhancing the performance of hydrogen direct injection compared to gasoline in spark ignition engine through valve timings and overlap optimizationMohamed, M; Biswal, A; Wang, X; Zhao, H; Hall, J
13-Jun-2024Unveiling the inherent properties and impact of ultrafine nanobubbles in polar and alcoholic media through unsupervised machine learning and atomic insightHassanloo, H; Wang, X
10-Jul-2024Investigation of Split Diesel Injections in Methanol/Diesel Dual-Fuel Combustion in an Optical EngineZhang, H; Zhao, Z; Wu, J; Wang, X; Ouyang, W; Wang, Z
20-Aug-2024A Comprehensive Experimental Investigation of NO<inf>x</inf> Emission Characteristics in Hydrogen Engine Using an Ultra-Fast Crank Domain MeasurementMohamed, M; Wang, X; Zhao, H; Peckham, M; Hall, J; Jiang, C
19-Jul-2024Nanobubbles in graphene-based nanofluids: Unraveling the mechanisms behind nucleation, behaviour and thermophysical properties using a molecular approachHassanloo, H; Wang, X
16-Jul-2024Combustion mechanism of nanobubbled dodecane: A reactive molecular studyHassanloo, H; Wang, X
2-Oct-2024Decoupling Analysis of Ignition Processes of Ammonia/N-Heptane MixturesLi, Z; Zhang, Y; Li, J; Xu, C; Wen, H; Shen, J; Jing, H; Liu, H; Wang, X; Zhao, H
24-Jul-2024Effects of dual injection operations on combustion performances and particulate matter emissions in a spark ignition engine fuelled with second-generation biogasolineMohamed, M; Wang, X; Zhao, H; Hall, J