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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
8-Feb-2024Coupled atomistic–continuum simulations of nucleate boilingGennari, G; Smith, ER; Pringle, GJ; Magnini, M
15-Apr-2024TTCF4LAMMPS: A toolkit for simulation of the non-equilibrium behaviour of molecular fluids at experimentally accessible shear ratesMaffioli, L; Ewen, JP; Smith, ER; Varghese, S; Daivis, PJ; Dini, D; Todd, BD
17-Jul-2024Life and death of a thin liquid filmRahman, MR; Shen, L; Ewen, JP; Heyes, DM; Dini, D; Smith, ER
10-Jun-2024Measuring line tension: Thermodynamic integration during detachment of a molecular dynamics dropletShintaku, M; Oga, H; Kusudo, H; Smith, ER; Omori, T; Yamaguchi, Y
1-May-2024A hybrid atomistic-continuum framework for multiscale simulations of boilingGennari, G; Smith, ER; Pringle, GJ; Magnini, M
9-Sep-2024A Coupled Molecular-Continuum Framework for Multiscale Simulations of BoilingGennari, G; Smith, ER; Pringle, GJ; Magnini, M