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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
6-May-2021Complex tsunami hazards in eastern Indonesia from seismic and non-seismic sources: Deterministic modelling based on historical and modern dataPranantyo, I; Heidarzadeh, M; Cummins, P
6-Jun-2021Ultra-long period and small-amplitude tsunami generated following the July 2020 Alaska Mw7.8 tsunamigenic earthquakeHeidarzadeh, M; Mulia, IE
22-Nov-2021Numerical Simulations of Tsunami Wave Generation by Submarine Landslides: Validation and Sensitivity Analysis to Landslide ParametersSabeti, R; Heidarzadeh, M
25-May-2021Long tsunami oscillations following the 30 October 2020 Mw 7.0 Aegean Sea earthquake: Observations and modellingHeidarzadeh, M; Pranantyo, IR; Okuwaki, R; Dogan, GG; Yalciner, AC
14-Apr-2021High potential for splay faulting in the Molucca Sea, Indonesia: November 2019 Mw7.2 earthquake and tsunamiHeidarzadeh, M; Ishibe, T; Harada, T; Natawidjaja, DH; Pranantyo, IR; Widyantoro, BT
1-Oct-2021Source reconstruction of the 1969 Majene, Sulawesi earthquake and tsunami: A preliminary studyPranantyo, IR; Cipta, A; Shiddiqi, HA; Heidarzadeh, M
2-Nov-2021A new empirical equation for predicting the maximum initial amplitude of submarine landslide-generated wavesSabeti, R; Heidarzadeh, M
28-Sep-2020Field survey of tsunami heights and runups following the 22 December 2018 Anak Krakatau volcano tsunami, IndonesiaHeidarzadeh, M; Putra, PS; Nugroho, HS; Rashid, DBZ
31-Jan-2022Effects of depth of fault slip and continental shelf geometry on the generation of anomalously long-period tsunami by the July 2020 Mw 7.8 Shumagin (Alaska) earthquakeMulia, IE; Heidarzadeh, M; Satake, K