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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
17-Aug-2020Experimental analysis of a micro-scale organic Rankine cycle system retrofitted to operate in grid-connected modeUsman, M; Imran, M; Haglind, F; Pesyridis, A; Park, B-S
22-Jul-2020Dynamic modeling and control strategies of organic Rankine cycle systems: Methods and challengesImran, M; Pili, R; Usman, M; Haglind, F
27-May-2023Design of the Organic Rankine Cycle for High-Efficiency Diesel Engines in Marine ApplicationsPesyridis, A; Asif, MS; Mehranfar, S; Mahmoudzadeh Andwari, A; Gharehghani, A; Megaritis, T
12-Aug-2020Evaluation of waste heat recovery technologies for the cement industryFierro, JJ; Escudero-Atehortua, A; Nieto-Londoño, C; Giraldo, M; Jouhara, H; Wrobel, LC
9-Jun-2023Potential savings in the cement industry using waste heat recovery technologiesMarenco-Porto, CA; Fierro, JJ; Nieto-Londoño, C; Lopera, L; Escudero-Atehortua, A; Giraldo, M; Jouhara, H
25-May-2023Comparative Assessment of sCO2 Cycles, Optimal ORC, and Thermoelectric Generators for Exhaust Waste Heat Recovery Applications from Heavy-Duty Diesel EnginesAhamed, M; Pesyridis, A; Ahbabi Saray, J; Mahmoudzadeh Andwari, A; Gharehghani, A; Rajoo, S
17-Nov-2024Optimisation of a converging-diverging nozzle for the wet-to-dry expansion of the siloxane MMOgrodniczak, P; Sayma, A; White, MT