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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
3-Jun-2020Application of ultrasonic guided waves for inspection of high density polyethylene pipe systemsLowe, PS; Lais, H; Paruchuri, V; Gan, TH
15-Oct-2021Nonlinear Analysis of a Steel Frame Structure Exposed to Post-Earthquake FireAlisawi, A; Collins, P; Cashell, K
17-Jun-2020Finite element modeling of thermo-active diaphragm wallsRui, Y; Yin, M
29-Dec-2020Generation of 3D Turbine Blades for Automotive Organic Rankine Cycles: Mathematical and Computational PerspectivesAlshammari, F; Pesyridis, A; Elashmawy, M
27-Mar-2021Design and analysis of concrete-filled tubular flange girders under combined loadingAl-Dujele, R; Cashell, K
11-Feb-2021Nonlinear numerical simulation of physical shaking table test, using three different soil constitutive modelsAlisawi, AT; Collins, PEF; Cashell, KA
30-Apr-2022Thermal response analysis and parameter prediction of additively manufactured polymersMoslemi, N; Abdi, B; Gohery, S; Sudin, I; Atashpaz-Gargari, E; Redzuan, N; Ayob, A; Burvill, C; Su, M; Arya, F