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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
7-Jan-2021Thermoelectric generator (TEG) technologies and applicationsJouhara, H; Żabnieńska-Góra, A; Khordehgah, N; Doraghi, Q; Ahmad, L; Norman, L; Axcell, B; Wrobel, L; Dai, S
22-Dec-2021Reducing GHG emissions and improving cost effectiveness via energy efficiency enhancements: A case study in a biscuit industryStojceska, V; Parker, N; Tassou, S
30-Sep-2022CFD analysis of phase-change material-based heat storage with dimple-shaped fins: evaluation of fin configuration and distribution patternKhedher, NB; Mahdi, JM; Majdi, HS; Khosravi, K; Al-Azzawi, WK; Al-Qrimli, FA; Dhahbi, S; Talebizadehsardari, P
17-Dec-2022Waste heat recovery solution based on a heat pipe heat exchanger for the aluminium die casting industryJouhara, H; Nieto, N; Egilegor, B; Zuazua, J; González, E; Yebra, I; Igesias, A; Delpech, B; Almahmoud, S; Brough, D; Malinauskaite, J; Vlasopoulos, A; Hill, M; Axcell, B
18-Mar-2021Comprehensive numerical model for the analysis of potential heat recovery solutions in a ceramic industryVenturelli, M; Brough, D; Milani, M; Montorsi, L; Jouhara, H
23-Oct-2023Energy Demand Reduction: supply chains and risk analysisAxon, CJ; Darton, RC