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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
6-May-2021Complex tsunami hazards in eastern Indonesia from seismic and non-seismic sources: Deterministic modelling based on historical and modern dataPranantyo, I; Heidarzadeh, M; Cummins, P
6-Jun-2021Ultra-long period and small-amplitude tsunami generated following the July 2020 Alaska Mw7.8 tsunamigenic earthquakeHeidarzadeh, M; Mulia, IE
15-Oct-2021Nonlinear Analysis of a Steel Frame Structure Exposed to Post-Earthquake FireAlisawi, A; Collins, P; Cashell, K
29-Apr-2022Lessons for Remote Post-earthquake Reconnaissance from the 14 August 2021 Haiti EarthquakeWhitworth, MRZ; Giardina, G; Penney, C; Di Sarno, L; Adams, K; Kijewski-Correa, T; Black, J; Foroughnia, F; Macchiarulo, V; Milillo, P; Ojaghi, M; Orfeo, A; Pugliese, F; Dönmez, K; Aktas, YD; Macabuag, J
25-May-2021Long tsunami oscillations following the 30 October 2020 Mw 7.0 Aegean Sea earthquake: Observations and modellingHeidarzadeh, M; Pranantyo, IR; Okuwaki, R; Dogan, GG; Yalciner, AC
14-Apr-2021High potential for splay faulting in the Molucca Sea, Indonesia: November 2019 Mw7.2 earthquake and tsunamiHeidarzadeh, M; Ishibe, T; Harada, T; Natawidjaja, DH; Pranantyo, IR; Widyantoro, BT
1-Oct-2021Source reconstruction of the 1969 Majene, Sulawesi earthquake and tsunami: A preliminary studyPranantyo, IR; Cipta, A; Shiddiqi, HA; Heidarzadeh, M