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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
13-Jun-2022A Unified Dynamic Similitude of Solid Continuum and its Application in Aeroelastic StructuresAdetoro, OB; Goonan, TB; Cardoso, RPR
15-Jun-2021Modelling liquid film in modern GDI engines and the impact on particulate matter emissions – Part 1Biagiotti, F; Bonatesta, F; Tajdaran, S; Sciortino, DD; Verma, S; Hopkins, E; Morrey, D; Yang, C; Spencer, A; Jiang, C; Haigh, R
30-Oct-2023Computational fluid dynamics analysis of the fluid environment of 3D printed tissue scaffolds within a perfusion bioreactor: the effect of pore shapeZhang, B
22-Oct-2022Comparative analysis of ammonia combustion for domestic applicationsBazooyar, B; Coomson, G; Manovic, V; Nabavi, SA
16-Jun-2021Axial Turbo-Expander Design for Organic Rankine Cycle Waste-Heat Recovery With Comparative Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine Drive-Cycle Performance AssessmentSoldado, JC; Pesyridis, A; Sphicas, P; Nikolakopoulos, P; Markides, CN; Deligant, M
3-Jun-2021Analytical grid generation and numerical assessment of tip leakage flows in sliding vane rotary machinesYe, F; Bianchi, G; Rane, S; Tassou, SA; Deng, J
1-Sep-2024The effect of different blade geometrical parameters on the operational flexibility and aerodynamic performance of axial sCO<inf>2</inf> turbinesAbdeldayem, AS; White, MT; Sayma, AI
31-Mar-2023Jet Flow and Noise Predictions for the Doak Laboratory ExperimentGryazev, V; Markesteijn, AP; Karabasov, SA; Lawrence, JLT; Proença, AR