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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
29-Sep-2020Development and Testing of an Ultrasound-Compatible Cardiac Phantom for Interventional Procedure Simulation Using Direct Three-Dimensional PrintingWang, S; Noh, Y; Brown, J; Roujol, S; Li, Y; Housden, R; Casajuana Ester, M; Al-Hamadani, M; Rajani, R; Rhode, K
3-Jun-2022The Effects of Solid Particle Containing Inks on the Printing Quality of Porous Pharmaceutical Structures Fabricated by 3D Semi-Solid Extrusion PrintingTeoh, X-Y; Zhang, B; Belton, P; Chan, S-Y; Qi, S
18-Feb-2022‘Tablet-in-Syringe’: A Novel Dosing Mechanism for Dysphagic Patients Containing Fast-Disintegrating Tablets Fabricated Using Semisolid Extrusion 3D PrintingPanraksa, P; Zhang, B; Rachtanapun, P; Jantanasakulwong, K; Qi, S; Jantrawut, P
27-Feb-2021The effects of nano- and micro-sized additives on 3D printable cementitious and alkali-activated composites: a reviewSikora, P; Chougan, M; Cuevas, K; Liebscher, M; Mechtcherine, V; Ghaffar, SH; Liard, M; Lootens, D; Krivenko, P; Sanytsky, M; Stephan, D
15-May-20213D printable lightweight cementitious composites with incorporated waste glass aggregates and expanded microspheres – Rheological, thermal and mechanical propertiesCuevas, K; Chougan, M; Martin, F; Ghaffar, SH; Stephan, D; Sikora, P
20-Sep-2022Effect of natural and calcined halloysite clay minerals as low-cost additives on the performance of 3D-printed alkali-activated materialsChougan, M; Hamidreza Ghaffar, S; Nematollahi, B; Sikora, P; Dorn, T; Stephan, D; Albar, A; Al-Kheetan, MJ
17-Jan-2020Solvent-based extrusion 3D printing for the fabrication of tissue engineering scaffoldsZhang, B; Cristescu, R; Chrisey, DB; Narayan, RJ
30-Oct-2023Computational fluid dynamics analysis of the fluid environment of 3D printed tissue scaffolds within a perfusion bioreactor: the effect of pore shapeZhang, B
8-Jun-2023Structured Porous Coated Cylinder Modifications Based on Internal Flow Field DataScholz, MM; Arcondoulis, E; Woodhead, PC; Chong, TP; Smith, E
14-Apr-2024Recent Advances in 3D printing for in vitro cancer modelsZhang, B; Morgan, M; Teoh, XY; Mackay, R; Ermler, S; Narayan, R