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Results 1-10 of 173 (Search time: 0.011 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
5-Jan-2022Waste Heat Recovery Technologies Revisited with Emphasis on New Solutions, including Heat Pipes, and Case StudiesChristodoulides, P; Agathokleous, R; Aresti, L; Kalogirou, SA; Tassou, SA; Florides, GA
9-Sep-2022Study of PLSR-BP model for stability assessment of loess slope based on particle swarm optimizationGong, B
27-Jan-2022Multivariate Hydrologic Risk Analysis for River ThamesFan, Y; Gariel, RK
18-Jan-2022A Fuzzy-Interval Dynamic Optimization Model for Regional Water Resources Allocation under UncertaintySuo, M; Xia, F; Fan, Y
24-Jan-2022Adoption of Waste Heat Recovery Technologies: Reviewing the Relevant Barriers and Recommendations on How to Overcome ThemChristodoulides, P; Aresti, L; Panayiotou, GP; Tassou, S; Florides, GA
19-Jan-2022Detection and Analysis of Corrosion and Contact Resistance Faults of TiN and CrN Coatings on 410 Stainless Steel as Bipolar Plates in PEM Fuel CellsForouzanmehr, M; Kashyzadeh, KR; Borjali, A; Ivanov, A; Jafarnode, M; Gan, TH; Wang, B; Chizari, M
2-Feb-2022A Post-occupancy Evaluation of Occupant Satisfaction in Green and Conventional Higher Educational BuildingsZhao, Y; Yang, Q
14-Mar-2022Research on zonal disintegration characteristics and failure mechanisms of deep tunnel in jointed rock mass with strength reduction methodChen, B; Gong, B; Wang, S; Tang, CA
18-Feb-2022Heat and Mass Transfer by Vapour in Freezing SoilsSarsembayeva, A; Zhussupbekov, A; Collins, PEF
24-Mar-2022Acoustic Emission Source Location Using Finite Element Generated Delta-T MappingYang, H; Wang, B; Grigg, S; Zhu, L; Liu, D; Marks, R