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Results 1-10 of 216 (Search time: 0.009 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
7-Jan-2021Thermoelectric generator (TEG) technologies and applicationsJouhara, H; Żabnieńska-Góra, A; Khordehgah, N; Doraghi, Q; Ahmad, L; Norman, L; Axcell, B; Wrobel, L; Dai, S
12-Jan-2021Numerical Design and Laboratory Testing of Encapsulated PCM Panels for PCM-Air Heat ExchangersSantos, T; Wrobel, LC; Hopper, N; Kolokotroni, M
15-Mar-2021Improved degassing efficiency and mechanical properties of A356 aluminium alloy castings by high shear melt conditioning (HSMC) technologyLazaro Nebreda, J; Patel, J; Fan, Z
18-Mar-2021Source modeling and spectral analysis of the Crete tsunami of 2nd May 2020 along the Hellenic Subduction Zone, offshore GreeceHeidarzadeh, M; Gusman, AR
6-May-2021Complex tsunami hazards in eastern Indonesia from seismic and non-seismic sources: Deterministic modelling based on historical and modern dataPranantyo, I; Heidarzadeh, M; Cummins, P
8-Apr-2021In-situ microstructural control of A6082 alloy to modify second phase particles by melt conditioned direct chill (MC-DC) casting process - A novel approachK.M., SM; Barekar, NS; Lazaro-Nebreda, J; Patel, JB; Fan, Z
18-Mar-2021The development of low-temperature heat-treatable high pressure die-cast Al-Mg-Fe-Mn alloys with Zn levelsZhu, X; Liu, F; Wang, S; Ji, S
23-Apr-2021Restoration models of flood resilient bridges: survey dataArgyroudis, S; Mitoulis, S
28-Apr-2021Sustainable Valorisation of Silane-Treated Waste Glass Powder in Concrete PavementAl-Kheetan, MJ; Byzyka, J; Ghaffar, SH
4-May-2021Uncertainty quantification and partition for multivariate risk inferences through a factorial multimodel Bayesian copula (FMBC) systemFan, Y; Yu, L; Shi, X