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Results 1-10 of 26 (Search time: 0.016 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
7-Oct-2021Investigation of a dynamics-oriented engineering approach to ultraprecision machining of freeform surfaces and its implementation perspectivesKhaghani, A; Cheng, K
26-Oct-2021Development of an Intelligent Quality Management System for Micro Laser Welding: An Innovative Framework and Its Implementation PerspectivesVelázquez de la Hoz, JL; Cheng, K
19-Dec-2021Monitoring and Predicting the Surface Generation and Surface Roughness in Ultraprecision Machining: A Critical ReviewManjunath, K; Tewary, S; Khatri, N; Cheng, K
7-Oct-2020Development of multiscale multiphysics-based modelling and simulations with the application to precision machining of aerofoil structuresShao, Y; Adetoro, OB; Cheng, K
20-Mar-2022The Modelling and Analysis of Micro-Milling Forces for Fabricating Thin-Walled Micro-Parts Considering Machining DynamicsWang, P; Bai, Q; Cheng, K; Zhao, L; Ding, H
20-Jun-2022Advanced Autonomous Machines and Design DevelopmentsKarimi, HR; Cheng, K; Zou, Y
17-Jan-2022Non-Linear Dynamic Analysis on Hybrid Air Bearing-Rotor System under Ultra-High Speed ConditionSong, L; Yuan, G; Zhang, H; Ding, Y; Cheng, K
19-Jun-2022Robustness evaluation of control algorithms for a long-stroke fast tool servoGong, Z; Huo, D; Niu, Z; Chen, W; Cheng, K
11-Feb-2022Design of a Hydrostatic Spindle and Its Simulation Analysis with the Application to a High Precision Internal Grinding MachineShang, Y; Cheng, K; Ding, H; Chen, S
25-Apr-2021Multiscale modelling and analysis for design and development of a high-precision aerostatic bearing slideway and its digital twinGou, N; Cheng, K; Huo, D