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Results 31-40 of 792 (Search time: 0.011 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12-Aug-2020Statistical Analysis and Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Thermal Conductivity of Lennard–Jones Solids Including Their Pressure and Temperature DependenciesHeyes, DM; Dini, D; Smith, ER
1-Dec-2020Applications of Google Earth Engine in fluvial geomorphology for detecting river channel changeBoothroyd, RJ; Williams, RD; Hoey, TB; Barrett, B; Prasojo, OA
9-Dec-2020The utilisation of useful ambient energy in residential dwellings to improve thermal comfort and reduce energy consumptionRashad, M; Khordehgah, N; Żabnieńska-Góra, A; Ahmad, L; Jouhara, H
9-Dec-2020Vine copula ensemble downscaling for precipitation projection over the Loess Plateau based on high-resolution multi-RCM outputsFan, Y; Sun, C; Hang, G; Zhou, X; Lu, C; Xiuquan, W
1-Sep-2020Preface to Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesManivannan, N; Hadjiloucas, S
29-Jul-2020Bond behaviour of austenitic stainless steel reinforced concreteRabi, M; Cashell, K; Shamass, R; Desnerck, P
11-Mar-2020Review of supercritical carbon dioxide (sCO2) technologies for high-grade waste heat to power conversionMarchionni, M; Bianchi, G; Tassou, S
20-Nov-2020Buried (drift-filled) hollows in London – a review of their location and key characteristicsFlynn, AL; Collins, PEF; Skipper, JA; Pickard, T; Koor, N; Reading, P; Davis, JA
7-Jan-2021Thermoelectric generator (TEG) technologies and applicationsJouhara, H; Żabnieńska-Góra, A; Khordehgah, N; Doraghi, Q; Ahmad, L; Norman, L; Axcell, B; Wrobel, L; Dai, S
26-Oct-2020Vacuum insulation panels (VIPs) for use in buildingsRottenbacher, K; Singh, H; Tavares, J; Almeida, FA; Kolokotroni, M; Caps, R