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Results 111-114 of 114 (Search time: 0.014 seconds).
Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
28-Aug-2024CO2-Based Power Cycles: What Effect Does Additive Molecular Complexity Have on the Cycle Layout?Aqel, O; White, M; Sayma, A
25-Jun-2024Fibroblastic tissue growth on polymeric electrospun membranes: a feasibility studyOsório, LA; Naveenathayalan, A; Silva, E; Mackay, RE
6-Dec-2024Exergy analysis of the lean-burn hydrogen-fuelled engineRrustemi, DN; Ganippa, LC; Axon, CJ
20-May-2024Explaining Deep Learning Models for COVID-19 Detection with Grad-CAM and Novel Use of PCAYang, R; Yang, Q; Chen, D; Wang, F; Qiu, Y