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Results 11-20 of 114 (Search time: 0.018 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
8-Jan-2024Driver Perceptions of V2V and V2I for Autonomous Vehicles: A Study of Technology Acceptance FactorsMossa, M; De Coster, R
4-Mar-2024Impact of RON on a heavily downsized boosted SI engine using 2nd generation biofuel – A comprehensive experimental analysisMohamed, M; Biswal, A; Wang, X; Zhao, H; Harrington, A; Hall, J
21-Mar-2024New laminar flame speed correlation for lean mixtures of hydrogen combustion with water addition under high pressure conditionsRrustemi, DN; Ganippa, LC; Megaritis, T; Axon, CJ
23-Jan-2024From prediction to measurement, an efficient method for digital human model obtainmentWang, M; Yang, Q
26-Mar-2024Reliable Cost Prediction and Control for Intelligent Manufacture: A Key Performance Indicator PerspectiveGeng, H; Mousavi, A; Markatos, N; Chen, K; Gou, X
28-Mar-2024Shape Sensing for Continuum Robotics Using Optoelectronic Sensors with Convex ReflectorsOsman, D; Du, X; Minton, T; Noh, Y
14-Apr-2024Recent Advances in 3D printing for in vitro cancer modelsZhang, B; Morgan, M; Teoh, XY; Mackay, R; Ermler, S; Narayan, R
3-Apr-2024An Interactive Web-Based Platform for Support Generation and Optimisation for Metal Laser Powder Bed FusionDimopoulos, A; Chryssinas, G; Mavroforaki, D; Gan, T-H; Chatzakos, P
10-Apr-2024Correlation of Sea Surface Temperature and Bottom Water Temperature with the presence of Sperm Whales (Physeter macrocephalus) and Cuvier’s beaked whales (Ziphius cavirostris) in the NE Aegean Sea, GreeceTintoré, B; Moss, P; Tomé, A; Ingrosso, M; Tsimpidis, T; Troisi, G
6-Mar-2024Application of transcritical CO<inf>2</inf> heat pumps to boiler replacement in low impact refurbishment projectsLambert, W; Dehouche, Z