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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2020 | CPL library – a minimal framework for coupled particle and continuum simulation | Smith, E; Trevelyan, D; Ramos-Fernandez, E; Sufian, A; O'Sullivan, C; Dini, D |
2020 | Effect of piston shape design on the scavenging performance and mixture preparation in a 2-stroke boosted uniflow scavenged direct injection gasoline (BUSDIG) engine | Wang, X; Zhao, H |
22-Jan-2020 | Multiphase flow metering for the oil and gas industry using a visualisation technique | Karayiannis, T; Bukhari, SFA; Coletti, F; Koenig, C |
2020 | Steady state charge conduction through solution processed liquid crystalline lanthanide bisphthalocyanine films | Pal, C; Chambrier, I; Cammidge, AN; Ray, AK; Sharma, AK |
2020 | Removal of methylene blue from aqueous solutions by biochar prepared from the pyrolysis of mixed municipal discarded material | Hoslett, J; Ghazal, H; Mohamad, N; Jouhara, H |
2020 | Applications of Computational Modelling in Neonatology | Wrobel, LC |
30-Jan-2020 | Multiscale model of the role of grain boundary structures in the dynamic intergranular failure of polycrystal aggregates | Galvis, Andres F.; Santos-Flórez, Pedro A.; Sollero, Paulo; de Koning, Maurice; Wrobel, Luiz C. |
3-Jan-2020 | Extraction and validation of a new set of CMS pythia8 tunes from underlying-event measurements | Sirunyan, AM; Tumasyan, A; Adam, W; Ambrogi, F; Asilar, E; Bergauer, T; Brandstetter, J; Dragicevic, M; Erö, J; Del Valle, AE; Flechl, M; Frühwirth, R; Ghete, VM; Hrubec, J; Jeitler, M; Krammer, N; Krätschmer, I; Liko, D; Madlener, T; Mikulec, I; Rad, N; Rohringer, H; Schieck, J; Schöfbeck, R; Spanring, M; Spitzbart, D; Waltenberger, W; Wittmann, J; Wulz, CE; Zarucki, M; Chekhovsky, V; Mossolov, V; Gonzalez, JS; De Wolf, EA; Di Croce, D; Janssen, X; Lauwers, J; Pieters, M; Van Haevermaet, H; Van Mechelen, P; Van Remortel, N; Zeid, SA; Blekman, F; D’Hondt, J; De Clercq, J; Deroover, K; Flouris, G; Lontkovskyi, D; Lowette, S; Marchesini, I; Moortgat, S; Moreels, L; Python, Q; Skovpen, K; Tavernier, S; Van Doninck, W; Van Mulders, P; Van Parijs, I; Beghin, D; Bilin, B; Brun, H; Clerbaux, B; De Lentdecker, G; Delannoy, H; Dorney, B; Fasanella, G; Favart, L; Goldouzian, R; Grebenyuk, A; Kalsi, AK; Lenzi, T; Luetic, J; Postiau, N; Starling, E; Thomas, L; Velde, CV; Vanlaer, P; Vannerom, D; Wang, Q; Cornelis, T; Dobur, D; Fagot, A; Gul, M; Khvastunov, I; Poyraz, D; Roskas, C; Trocino, D; Tytgat, M; Verbeke, W; Vermassen, B; Vit, M; Zaganidis, N; Bakhshiansohi, H; Bondu, O; Brochet, S; Bruno, G; Caputo, C; David, P; Delaere, C; Delcourt, M |
2020 | The Teach Brunel Project: Learning electronics with the use of MATLAB | Manivannan, N; Nasiri, M; Celik, N |
2020 | A furniture industry concept for a sustainable generative design platform employing robot based additive manufacturing | Fox, A; Zhang, T; Yang, Q; Zhao, Y |