Brunel University Research Archive(BURA) preserves and enables easy and open access to all types of digital content. It showcases Brunel's research outputs.
Research contained within BURA is open access, although some publications may be subject to publisher imposed embargoes. All awarded PhD theses are also archived on BURA.
The Metabolic Cost of Physical Rehabilitation in Mechanically Ventilated Patients in Critical Care: an Observational Study
Transition from child to adult health services for young people with cerebral palsy in Ireland; implications from a mixed-methods study
Factors affecting engagement in screening clinics; exploring the experiences of patients with rare endocrine gene disorders
The immediate effects of mobilization with movement on shoulder range of motion and pain in patients with rotator cuff-related shoulder pain: A randomized controlled trial (Evolution Trial)
Measuring the efficiency of health systems in Asia: A data envelopment analysis
Author Correction: Para-infectious brain injury in COVID-19 persists at follow-up despite attenuated cytokine and autoantibody responses (Nature Communications, (2023), 14, 1, (8487), 10.1038/s41467-023-42320-4)
Is videoconference pulmonary rehabilitation associated with improvements in knowledge in people living with COPD? A propensity-matched service-evaluation
Understanding The Development Of Contractures In People With Stroke: An Initial Logic-Model Of The Problem
Rehabilitation Using Virtual Gaming For Hospital And Home- Based Training For The Upper Limb In Acute And Subacute Stroke (Rhombus Ii): Results Of A Feasibility RCT
Management Of Post Stroke Shoulder Pain: The Uk's First Commissioned Specialised Multidisciplinary Service