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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2008Exercise-induced respiratory muscle fatigue: implications for performanceRomer, LM; Polkey, MI
9-Jul-2019Practical Hydration Solutions for SportsBelval, LN; Hosokawa, Y; Casa, DJ; Adams, WM; Armstrong, LE; Baker, LB; Burke, L; Cheuvront, S; Chiampas, G; González-Alonso, J; Huggins, RA; Kavouras, SA; Lee, EC; McDermott, BP; Miller, K; Schlader, Z; Sims, S; Stearns, RL; Troyanos, C; Wingo, J
2019Motives for Participation and Amount of Physical Activity among Kelantan Chinese AdolescentsAbdullah, N; Kueh, YC; Hanafi, MH; Morris, T; Kuan, G
2020Oral nitrate supplementation to enhance pulmonary rehabilitation in COPD: ON-EPIC a multi-centre, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomised parallel group studyPavitt, M; Tanner, R; Lewis, A; Buttery, S; Mehta, B; Jefford, H; Curtis, K; Banya, W; Hussain, S; Karnan, S; Shrikrishna, D; Man, W; Polkey, M; Hopkinson, N
2014Psychophysiological effects of synchronous versus asynchronous music during cyclingLim, HBT; Karageorghis, CI; Romer, LM; Bishop, DT
9-Dec-2020The physiological demands of Singing for Lung Health compared to treadmill walkingPhilip, KEJ; Lewis, A; Buttery, SC; McCabe, C; Manivannan, B; Fancourt, D; Orton, C; Polkey, MI; Hopkinson, NS
1-Apr-2018The effects of age and sex on mechanical ventilatory constraint and dyspnea during exercise in healthy humansDominelli, PB; Ramsook, AH; Schaeffer, MR; Sereacki, SM; Foster, GE; Romer, LM; Road, JD; Guenette, JA; Sheel, AW
2019Being physically active through chronic illness: Life experiences of people with arthritisHunt, ER; Papathomas, A
3-Apr-2020Acute effects of breaking up prolonged sedentary time on cardiovascular disease risk markers in adults with paraplegiaBailey, DP; Withers, TM; Goosey-Tolfrey, V; Dunstan, DW; Leicht, CA; Champion, RB; Charlett, OP; Ferrandino, L
23-Apr-2019A Qualitative exploration of physiotherapists' perceptions about exercise and physical activity: Reflections on the results from a Delphi StudyStennett, A; De Souza, L; Norris, M