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Results 1-10 of 39 (Search time: 0.033 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012Health professionals' perceptions of cultural influences on stroke experiences and rehabilitation in KuwaitOmu, O; Reynolds, F
2011What do stroke survivors think about evidence based care they receive? Learning from insights at the peripheryKilbride, C; Allison, R; Evans, PH
2010"I feel like half my body is clogged up": Lay models of stroke in Central Aceh, IndonesiaNorris, M; Allotey, P; Barrett, G
2012'It burdens me': The impact of stroke in central Aceh, IndonesiaNorris, M; Allotey, P; Barrett, G
2015What are the functional outcomes of right hemisphere stroke patients with or without hemi-inattention complications? A critical narrative review and suggestions for further research.Stein, MS; Kilbride, C; Reynolds, FA
2013Unilateral versus bilateral upper limb training after stroke: The upper limb training after stroke clinical trialvan Delden, AL; Peper, CE; Nienhuys, KN; Zijp, NI; Beek, PJ; Kwakkel, G
2012Art therapy after stroke: Evidence and a need for further researchReynolds, F
2015'HeART of Stroke (HoS)', a community-based Arts for Health group intervention to support self-confidence and psychological well-being following a stroke: protocol for a randomised controlled feasibility studyEllis-Hill, C; Gracey, F; Thomas, S; Lamont-Robinson, C; Thomas, PW; Marques, EMR; Grant, M; Nunn, S; Cant, RPI; Galvin, KT; Reynolds, F; Jenkinson, DF
2013Life satisfaction and self-efficacy in patients affected by a first stroke living in Kuwait: A two-phase studyOmu, O; Reynolds, F
2013Dynamic attentional modulation of vision across space and time after right hemisphere stroke and in ageingRussell, C; Malhotra, P; Deidda, C; Husain, M