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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011Huntington's disease: An immune perspectiveNayak, A; Ansar, R; Verma, SK; Bonifati, DM; Kishore, U
2009Structural characterisation of ligand-binding determinants in human lung surfactant protein D: Influence of Asp325Shrive, AK; Martin, C; Burns, I; Paterson, JM; Martin, JD; Townsend, JP; Waters, P; Clark, HW; Kishore, U; Reid, KBM; Greenhough, TJ
2011Hemispheric lateralisation and immune function: A systematic review of human researchSumner, RC; Parton, A; Nowicky, AV; Kishore, U; Gidron, Y
2014Soluble gC1qR is an autocrine signal that induces B1R expression on endothelial cellsGhebrehiwet, B; Ji, Y; Valentino, A; Pednekar, L; Ramadass, M; David, H; Kew, RR; Hosszu, KH; Galanakis, DK; Kishore, U; Peerschke, EIB
2017Potential influences of complement factor H in autoimmune inflammatory and thrombotic disordersFerluga, J; Kouser, L; Murugaiah, V; Sim, RB; Kishore, U
2008Interaction of the globular domain of human C1q with Salmonella typhimurium lipopolysaccharideRoumenina, LT; Popov, KT; Bureeva, SV; Kojouharova, MS; Gadjeva, M; Rabheru, S; Thakrar, R; Kaplun, A; Kishore, U
2007Characterisation of Plasmodium falciparum macrophage migration inhibitory factor homologueCordery, D; Kishore, U; Kyes, S; Shafi, MJ; Watkins, KR; Williams, TN; Marsh, K; Urban, BC
2013Properdin and factor H: Opposing players on the alternative complement pathway "see-saw"Kouser, L; Abdul-Aziz, M; Nayak, A; Stover, CM; Sim, RB; Kishore, U
2013Innate immunity and neuroinflammationShastri, A; Bonifati, DM; Kishore, U
2012An insight into the diverse roles of surfactant proteins, SP-A and SP-D in innate and adaptive immunityNayak, A; Dodagatta-Marri, E; Tsolaki, AG; Kishore, U