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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
15-Jul-2020Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and COVID-19: an overlooked female patient population at potentially higher risk during the COVID-19 pandemicKyrou, I; Karteris, E; Robbins, T; Chatha, K; Drenos, F; Randeva, HS
25-Sep-2020We Need to Talk About Racism—In All of Its Forms—To Understand COVID-19 DisparitiesMilner, A; Franz, B; Henry Braddock, J
2020Adopting a Meta-Generative Way of Thinking in the Field of Education via the Use of Bayesian Methods: A Multimethod Approach in a Post-Truth and COVID-19 EraNatesan Batley, P; Boedeker, P; Onwuegbuzie, A
2020Dying Alone and Lonely Dying: Media Discourse and Pandemic ConditionsNelson-Becker, H; Victor, C
9-Dec-2020The physiological demands of Singing for Lung Health compared to treadmill walkingPhilip, KEJ; Lewis, A; Buttery, SC; McCabe, C; Manivannan, B; Fancourt, D; Orton, C; Polkey, MI; Hopkinson, NS
22-Oct-2020The Impact of COVID-19 Infection and Enforced Prolonged Social Isolation on Neuropsychiatric Symptoms in Older Adults With and Without Dementia: A ReviewManca, R; De Marco, M; Venneri, A
8-Jun-2020From COVID-19 research to vaccine application: why might it take 17 months not 17 years and what are the wider lessons?Hanney, SR; Wooding, S; Sussex, J; Grant, J
20-May-2021The Effect of COVID-19 and Related Lockdown Phases on Young Peoples' Worries and Emotions: Novel Data From IndiaShukla, M; Pandey, R; Singh, T; Riddleston, L; Hutchinson, T; Kumari, V; Lau, JYF
3-Jun-2021Heterogeneity in Regional Damage Detected by Neuroimaging and Neuropathological Studies in Older Adults With COVID-19: A Cognitive-Neuroscience Systematic Review to Inform the Long-Term Impact of the Virus on Neurocognitive TrajectoriesManca, R; De Marco, M; Ince, PG; Venneri, A
14-Oct-2020Is there a link between bisphenol A (BPA), a key endocrine disruptor, and the risk for SARS-CoV-2 infection and severe COVID-19?Zahra, A; Sisu, C; Silva, E; De Aguiar Greca, S-C; Randeva, H; Chatha, K; Kyrou, I; Karteris, E