Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 50 of 388
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
27-Nov-2024 | The potential of Froebelian philosophy to support and engage low-income families in the early years | Hoskins, K; Wainwright, E; Mukherjee, U; Xu, Y; Lebbakhar, A |
26-Oct-2024 | Factors related to the recruitment and retention of ethnic minority teachers: What are the barriers and facilitators? | See, BH; Gorard, S; Gao, Y; Hitt, L; Siddiqui, N; Demie, F; Tereshchenko, A; El Soufi, N |
24-Nov-2024 | Developing environments for research engagement in English schools: Re-professionalising teachers’ work | Mills, M; Gandolfi, H; Taylor, B; Tereshchenko, A; Hardman, M |
9-Oct-2024 | In-service Physics teachers’ content knowledge: A critical reflection on the case of the Upthrust concept | Ramma, Y; Bholoa, A; Watts, M |
13-Sep-2024 | Gendered resistances and emotions to neo-liberalism in a post-1992 University in England | Tsouroufli, M; Walton, A; Thompson, D |
11-Sep-2024 | Racial microaggressions on the initial teacher education programmes: implications for minority ethnic teacher retention | Tereshchenko, A; Kaur, B; Cara, O; Wiggins, A; Pillinger, C |
9-Oct-2024 | ‘It hooks them in, it’s straight in there’: leveraging game culture for learning in the Key Stage 2 science curriculum | Hoskins, K; Lebbakhar, A; Watts, M |
12-Aug-2024 | Implementing work-based assessments in a level 7 data analytics digital degree apprenticeship: challenges and lessons for HEIs | Kaniadakis, A; Sassoon, I; Alwzinani, F |
23-Jul-2024 | Researching the Everyday Educational Lives of Low-Income Families: The Importance of Researcher and Participant Contexts | Wainwright, E; Hoskins, K; Arabaci, R; Zhai, J; Gao, J; Xu, Y |
21-Jul-2024 | “I want kids to have the same feeling as I do towards physical activity”: Acculturation of British preservice physical education teachers | Curtner-Smith, MD; Theodoulides, A; Chappell, A; Harris, E; Kinchin, GD |
30-May-2024 | Beyond Work and Play: Decolonising Children’s Right to Leisure | Mukherjee, U |
1-Mar-2024 | City Family of Schools: parents’ views of future educational priorities | Wainwright, E; Hoskins, K; Tallentire, J |
13-May-2024 | Analysis of Unicorn Theatre’s School Partnership Programme Evaluation | Wainwright, E; Hoskins, K; McHugh, E; Bhuyan, M |
16-Nov-2023 | Assembly required: a microgenetic multiple case study of four students’ assemblages when learning about force | Brock, R; Taber, KS; Watts, DM |
8-Jan-2020 | Intersectional aspects of school related gender-based violence in Europe | Tsouroufli, M |
24-Aug-2021 | Gendered Ideas and Practices in Secondary Schools in England | Tsouroufli, M |
4-Nov-2023 | Instrumental and relational understanding: What influences secondary student teachers’ teaching approaches? | Babbar, S; Ineson, G |
19-Jan-2024 | Educational research in the global north and south; reflections on the field and future directions | Hoskins, K; Wong, B; Mckenzie, A; Xu, Y; Cheng, M; Read, B |
23-Oct-2019 | Introduction: Love and Desire in Education | Aldridge, D; Lewin, D |
19-Mar-2020 | Religious literacy: a way forward for religious education? | Hannam, P; Biesta, G; Whittle, S; Aldridge, D |
22-Nov-2019 | Remembrance Day practices in schools: meaning-making in social memory during the First World War centenary | Haight, A; Wright, S; Aldridge, D; Alexander, P |
29-May-2018 | O dever de resistir: sobre escolas, professores e sociedade | Biesta, G; Picoli, BA |
1-Jan-2019 | What is the Educational Task? Arousing the Desire for Wanting to Exist in the World in a Grown-up Way | Biesta, G |
3-Sep-2023 | A pedagogy for success: two stories from STEM | Salehjee, S; Watts, M |
14-Sep-2023 | Leveraging Students’ Game Culture in Education: Validating the benefits of utilising videogames to inform pedagogy | Hoskins, K; Lebbakhar, A; Watts, M; Asfahani, T; Winson-Longley, C |
15-Sep-2023 | ‘STEAM success stories’: refocusing the framework of intersectionality | Salehjee, S; Watts, M |
19-Sep-2023 | Spatial-temporal enactments of home-schooling among low-income families of primary-aged children | Wainwright, E; Hoskins, K |
22-Jun-2023 | Promoting participation of under-represented families in research | Hoskins, K; Wainwright, E; Gao, J; Xu, Y; Zhai, J; Arabaci, R |
27-Jun-2023 | The disproportionality of ethnic minority teachers in England: trends, patterns, and problems | Gorard, S; Chen, W; Tan, Y; See, BH; Gazmuri, C; Tereshchenko, A; Demie, F; Siddiqui, N |
1-Nov-2022 | Diversity Data - Revealing the Unknown picture | Argyle, R; Kaur, B; Baldry, F; Jain, P |
2-Nov-2022 | Exploring Racialised Factors to Understand Minority Ethnic Student Teachers Considerations About the Teaching Profession | Kaur, B; Tereshchenko, A; Wiggins, A; Cara, O; Pillinger, C |
27-Jul-2023 | Intersectional barriers to women’s advancement in higher education institutions rewarded for their gender equity plans | Crimmins, G; Casey, S; Tsouroufli, M |
20-Jul-2023 | ‘On the high street’ tuition for primary-aged children in London: Critiquing discourses of accessibility, attainment and assistance | Wainwright, E; Barker, J; Chappell, A; McHugh, E |
21-Sep-2023 | ‘Let Us Hold Hands’: Lived Practices of Intimacy Among Gay Youth in Urban India | Mukherjee, U; Pradhan, A |
27-Mar-2023 | ‘Powerless, poor and needy?’: Reproducing colonial discourses of gender and Muslim women through educational interventions by I-NGOs in Afghanistan | Haqpana, S; Tsouroufli, M |
14-Feb-2022 | Supporting the retention of minority ethnic teachers: A research and practice based guide for school leaders | Tereshchenko, A; Bei, Z; Bradbury, A; Forde, E; Mullings, G |
23-Jan-2023 | Racial and Ethnic Microaggressions on School Placements: A Resource for Mentors | Tereshchenko, A; Kaur, B; Wiggins, A |
20-Oct-2020 | Attainment grouping in English secondary schools: A national survey of current practices | Taylor, B; Hodgen, J; Tereshchenko, A; Gutiérrez, G |
21-Apr-2023 | The disproportionality of ethnic minority teachers in England: trends, patterns, and problems | Gorard, S; Cheng, W; Tan, Y; See, BH; Gazmuri, C; Tereshchenko, A; Demie, F; Siddiqui, N |
10-May-2023 | ‘I am not a teacher!’ The challenges of enacting home schooling during the Covid-19 pandemic among low-income families of primary-aged children | Hoskins, K; Wainwright, E |
23-Jul-2020 | Theorising Academic Career 'Success' | Hoskins, K |
Jul-2022 | Precarious Transitions Project: Final Report | Moreau, M-P; Hoskins, K; McHugh, E |
22-Apr-2020 | Militarization in the Age of the Pandemic Crisis | Giroux, HA; Filippakou, O |
14-Nov-2022 | Why family engagement is crucial for schools and children | Gillani, Ammal |
24-Aug-2011 | Changing lives: women, inclusion and the PhD | Maguire, M; Hoskins, K |
4-Jan-2023 | ‘Do know harm’: Examining the intersecting capabilities of young people from refugee backgrounds through community sport and leisure programmes | Smith, R; Mansfield, L; Wainwright, E |
2-Mar-2015 | Institute And Learner Readiness For E-Learning In The Maldives | Thaufeega, F; Crowe, N; Watts, M |
14-Dec-2022 | Equality and diversity in secondary schools: teachers’ agentic and constrained enactments of the curriculum | Lebbakhar, A; Hoskins, K; Chappell, A |
3-Feb-2023 | ‘Migrant academic/Sister Outsider: Feminist solidarity unsettled and intersectional politics interrogated’ | Tsouroufli, M |
20-Sep-2022 | The achievement gap: The impact of between‐class attainment grouping on pupil attainment and educational equity over time | Hodgen, J; Taylor, B; Francis, B; Craig, N; Bretscher, N; Tereshchenko, A; Connolly, P; Mazenod, A |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 50 of 388