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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011Evaluation of electroosmotic pumping effect in microporous media flowLi, B; Yan, Y; 3rd Micro and Nano Flows Conference (MNF2011)
2009Lattice Boltzmann modelling of droplets on chemically heterogeneous surfaces with large liquid-gas density ratioZu, Y; Yan, Y; 2nd Micro and Nano Flows Conference (MNF2009)
2009Numerical simulation of viscous fingering phenomenon in immiscible displacement of two fluids in porous media using Lattice Boltzmann methodDong, B; Yan, Y; Li, W; 2nd Micro and Nano Flows Conference (MNF2009)
2014The study of the influence of morphology anisotropy of clusters of superparamagnetic nanoparticle on magnetic hysteresis by Monte Carlo simulationsFu, R; Roberts, C; Yan, Y; 4th Micro and Nano Flows Conference (MNF2014)
2014Lattice Boltzmann simulation of magnetic field effects on nanofluidZhou, W; Yan, Y; 4th Micro and Nano Flows Conference (MNF2014)
2009LBM, a useful tool for mesoscale modelling of single phase and multiphase flow – the variety of applications and approaches at NottinghamYan, Y; Zu, Y; Dong, B; 2nd Micro and Nano Flows Conference (MNF2009)
2014An experimental study of dynamic flow of nanofluid with different concentrationsHong, J; Glover, P; Yan, Y; 4th Micro and Nano Flows Conference (MNF2014)
2011Numerical simulation of microflow over superhydrophobic surfaces by lattice Boltmann methodZhou, W; Yan, Y; 3rd Micro and Nano Flows Conference (MNF2011)
2009Molecular dynamics simulation for microscope insight of liquid evaporation on a heated surfaceYang, X; Ji, C; Yan, Y; 2nd Micro and Nano Flows Conference (MNF2009)
2009Numerical simulation of bubbles deformation, flow and coalescence in a microchannel under pseudo-nucleation conditionsYan, Y; Zu, Y; 2nd Micro and Nano Flows Conference (MNF2009)