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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
18-Dec-2022An investigation of self‑regulated learning in a novel MOOC platformOnah, DFO; Pang, ELL; Sinclair, JE
4-Jul-2022Development of Nanoporosity on a Biomass Combustion Ash-derived Carbon for CO<sub>2</sub> AdsorptionGorbounov, M; Petrovic, B; Ozmen, S; Clough, P; Bekmuratova, D; Masoudi Soltani, S
20-Jul-2022Living in a time of COVID: exploring the lockdown experiences of people living with long-term physical and mental health conditions in the UKLim, KH; Gibilian, A; Yusuf, B
17-Dec-2022A Data-driven Latent Semantic Analysis for Automatic Text Summarization using LDA Topic ModellingOnah, DFO; Pang, ELL; El-Haj, M
13-Mar-2023An Evaluation of MINDFIT—A Student Therapeutic Running Group as a Multi-Layered Intervention in the United KingdomGurung, J; Turner, J; Freeman, E; Coleman, C; Iacovou, S; Hemingway, S
10-Jan-2023Multi-Vortex Tornado Blueprint for Disruptive Global Co-Creation (Inspired by EUvsVirus): Hackathons vs Grand ChallengesPetrevska Nechkoska, R; Caro-González, A; Bertello, A; Grande, S; Schmüser, M; Rzhevska, N; Matskevich, Y; Baltov, M; Jez, U; Clavijo, E; Tsaranok, E; Daban Marín, M; Hajji, R; Couto, R; Bolesta, K; Abou Ibrahim, S; Poughia, E; Yang, M; De Bernardi, P; Poels, G; Müller-Seitz, G; Bogers, M
8-Feb-2024Leaders, conflict, and team coordination: a relational leadership approach in temporary organisationsAkhavan Tabassi, A; Bryde, DJ; Michaelides, R; Bamford, D; Argyropoulou, M
20-Dec-2024Introduction – Performance and Political Economy: Bodies, Politics, and Well-BeingParamana, K
21-Nov-2024Prevalence of medial tibial stress syndrome in the British Armed Forces: a population-based studyFarquharson, E; Roberts, AJ; Warland, AI; Parnis, N; O'Connell, NE