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Title: Wastewater Reuse in the EU and Southern European Countries: Policies, Barriers and Good Practices
Authors: Malinauskaite, J
Delpech, B
Montorsi, L
Venturelli, M
Gernjak, W
Abily, M
Stepišnik Perdih, T
Nyktari, E
Jouhara, H
Keywords: wastewater reused;regulation 2020/741;the urban wastewater treatment directive;good practices of wastewater reuse
Issue Date: 23-Dec-2024
Publisher: MDPI
Citation: Malinauskaite, J.M. et al. (2024) 'Wastewater Reuse in the EU and Southern European Countries: Policies, Barriers and Good Practices', Sustainability, 16 (24), 11277, pp. 1 - 23. doi: 10.3390/su162411277.
Abstract: Ensuring sustainable consumption of water, which is essential for human development, is not sufficient, therefore, there is an urgent need to improve reuse of treated wastewater. This paper reviews the newest EU legislation related to reclaimed water reuse, which is the main driver for change. While there are some positive developments in the EU, the paper argues that the current EU legislation does not sufficiently encourage circular solutions, especially on how to deal with any bottleneck effects, which prevent to fully utilise wastewater. This reflection is noted based on the national and regional developments in Italy with some comparison with other Southern countries, such as Greece and Spain in attempt to identify good practices as well as any barriers for the reclaimed water to be reused.
Description: Data Availability Statement: This study reanalyse predominantly the existing publicly available data as cited in the “References” section. Further information can also be accessed from iWAYS web-site: iWays—Water closed loop in industrial processes—iWays.
Other Identifiers: ORCiD: Jurgita Malinauskaite
ORCiD: Bertrand Delpech
ORCiD: Matteo Venturelli
ORCiD: Wolfgang Gernjak
ORCiD: Morgan Abily
ORCiD: Tadej Stepišnik Perdih
ORCiD: Hussam Jouhara
Appears in Collections:Brunel Law School Research Papers
Dept of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Research Papers
Institute of Energy Futures

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