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Title: Can the UK reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions?
Authors: Roberts, S
Axon, C
Issue Date: 10-Jan-2025
Publisher: Brunel University of London
Citation: Roberts, S. and Axon, C. (2025) Can the UK reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions? London: Brunel University of London, pp. 1 - 2.
Abstract: Policy Context: Achieving ‘net zero’ greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050 is a target set in the Climate Change Act, with the UK Government pursuing even more stringent and specific intermediate targets from 2030. The term ‘net’ arose to address sectors with emissions deemed too difficult to become emission-free, by 2050, otherwise the overall emissions reduction target and endeavour might be undermined. The Sixth Carbon Budget, revealed in December 2020, reflects this target. Advice: Reaching net zero by 2050 is not possible. To be realistic about achieving an ambitious emissions reduction target by 2050 and its ongoing sustainability, the UK Government should instead consider a near zero emissions target based on technology options demonstrating continuous improvement in efficiency. All analysis of future energy scenarios which inform policy should consider the whole economy and be based on defensible physics and engineering assumptions.
Description: Key research findings: Our report ‘What price near zero emissions? Energy and economic modelling for the UK using real world data to 2050 and beyond’ [available at:] examines the country's capacity to transition to a low-carbon future and the options for realistic evidence-based policies to that end (using the 7see framework and model). Although plausible, the pathway is extremely challenging for engineering, requires investment at a scale not seen in recent times, and may be considered unpalatable.
Other Identifiers: ORCiD: Simon Roberts
ORCiD: Colin Axon
Appears in Collections:Dept of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Research Papers
Institute of Energy Futures

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