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Results 1-10 of 11 (Search time: 0.008 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
6-Nov-2022Progressive fracture behavior and acoustic emission release of CJBs affected by joint distance ratioWang, Y; Gong, B; Zhang, Y; Yang, X; Tang, C
15-Aug-2022Numerical investigation on anisotropy and shape effect of mechanical properties of columnar jointed basalts containing transverse jointsWang, Y; Gong, B; Tang, C
17-Jul-2021Study of the slope deformation characteristics and landslide mechanisms under alternating excavation and rainfall disturbanceYu, X; Gong, B; Tang, C
24-Dec-2021Numerical study on size effect and anisotropy of columnar jointed basalts under uniaxial compressionWang, Y; Gong, B; Tang, C; Zhao, T
7-Mar-2022Nonlinear deformation and failure characteristics of horseshoe-shaped tunnel under varying principal stress directionGong, B; Liang, Z; Liu, X
20-Oct-2023Investigation into the Multistage Mechanical Damage Behavior of Columnar Jointed Basalts with Different Meso-Constitutive Relations and Model SizesWang, Y; Gong, B; Yang, X; Tang, C
7-Feb-2022压缩条件下不同形状玄武岩柱破裂机理数值模拟研究Wang, Y; Gong, B; Tang, C
22-Nov-2016Experimental and numerical investigations on fracture process zone of rock-concrete interfaceDong, W; Yang, D; Zhou, X; Kastiukas, G; Zhang, B
5-Nov-2021Combined numerical and experimental studies on the dynamic and quasi-static failure modes of brittle rockZou, C; Li, H
1-Mar-2019Dynamic characteristics and failure mechanism of vegetated revetment under cyclic loadingChen, W; Jin, R; Zhu, H; Xu, Y; Wanatowski, D; He, L; Guo, Q