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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
15-Apr-2023Thermal transformation of bamboo sawdust for its advanced cementitious compositesZuo, P; Liu, Z; Zhang, H; Sivanathan, A; Dai, D; Fan, M
1-Apr-2023Composite alkali-activated materials with waste tire rubber designed for additive manufacturing: an eco-sustainable and energy saving approachValente, M; Sambucci, M; Chougan, M; Ghaffar, SH
20-Aug-2023Enhanced Compatibility of Secondary Waste Carbon Fibers through Surface Activation via Nanoceramic Coating in Fiber-Reinforced Cement MortarsSambucci, M; Valente, M; Nouri, SM; Chougan, M; Ghaffar, SH
20-Nov-2023Alkali activated materials with recycled unplasticised polyvinyl chloride aggregates for sand replacementEl-Seidy, E; Sambucci, M; Chougan, M; AI-Noaimat, YA; Al-Kheetan, MJ; Biblioteca, I; Valente, M; Ghaffar, SH
15-Nov-2022Polylactic Acid (PLA) Reinforced with Date Palm Sheath Fiber Bio-Composites: Evaluation of Fiber Density, Geometry, and Content on the Physical and Mechanical PropertiesAwad, S; Hamouda, T; Midani, M; Katsou, E; Fan, M
16-Dec-2023Study of the Dynamic Failure Characteristics of Anisotropic Shales Under Impact Brazilian SplittingFeng, X; Gong, B; Liang, Z; Wang, S; Tang, C; Li, H; Ma, T
24-Feb-2022Optimization of the preparation process of Fair-Faced concrete incorporating recycled aggregatesLi, W; Jiang, T; Jin, R; Xu, Y
20-Jul-2023Method of fabricating artificial rock specimens based on extrusion free forming (EFF) 3D printingShi, X; Deng, T; Lin, S; Zou, C; Liu, B
21-Dec-2024Study on the energy evolution process and damage constitutive model of concrete-granite composite specimens under uniaxial compression loadDong, Z; Lang, Y; Gong, B; Yuan, R; Liang, Z; Wang, S; Tang, C