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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
29-Sep-2023Deep Learning for Detecting Multi-Level Driver Fatigue Using Physiological Signals: A Comprehensive ApproachPeivandi, M; Ardabili, SZ; Sheykhivand, S; Danishvar, S
1-Nov-2023Industrial Genomics: A Novel Approach to System Behaviour DiscoveryDanishvar, M; Danishvar, S; Mousavi, A
10-May-2024A Comparative Analysis of Advanced Machine Learning Techniques for River Streamflow Time-Series ForecastingAbdoulhalik, A; Ahmed, AA
11-May-2024Stacked Hybridization to Enhance the Performance of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) for Prediction of Water Quality Index in the Bagh River Basin, IndiaKushwaha, NL; Kudnar, NS; Vishwakarma, DK; Subeesh, A; Jatav, MS; Gaddikeri, V; Ahmed, AA; Abdelaty, I
15-Apr-2022Knowledge-based and data-driven approaches for assessing greenhouse gas emissions from wastewater systemsPorro, J; Vasilaki, V; Bellandi, G; Katsou, E
11-Oct-2024Real-Time Monitoring of Road Networks for Pavement Damage Detection Based on Preprocessing and Neural NetworksShakhovska, N; Yakovyna, V; Mysak, M; Mitoulis, S-A; Argyroudis, S; Syerov, Y
22-Jul-2024Five Machine Learning Models Predicting the Global Shear Capacity of Composite Cellular Beams with Hollow-Core UnitsFerreira, FPV; Jeong, SH; Mansouri, E; Shamass, R; Tsavdaridis, KD; Martins, CH; De Nardin, S
22-Aug-2022Web-post buckling prediction resistance of steel beams with elliptically-based web openings using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)Shamass, R; Ferreira, FPV; Limbachiya, V; Santos, LFP; Tsavdaridis, KD
2-Jan-2025Innovative machine learning approaches for indoor air temperature forecasting in smart infrastructureShakhovska, N; Mochurad, L; Caro, R; Argyroudis, S