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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
7-Jun-2023Deep learning-based multi-target regression for traffic-related air pollution forecastingAkinosho, TD; Bilal, M; Hayes, ET; Ajayi, A; Ahmed, A; Khan, Z
19-Sep-2020Deep learning in the construction industry: A review of present status and future innovationsAkinosho, TD; Oyedele, L; Bilal, M; Ajayi, A; Delgado, M; Akinade, O; Ahmed, A
29-Sep-2023Deep Learning for Detecting Multi-Level Driver Fatigue Using Physiological Signals: A Comprehensive ApproachPeivandi, M; Ardabili, SZ; Sheykhivand, S; Danishvar, S
23-Nov-2023Salient Arithmetic Data Extraction from Brain Activity via an Improved Deep NetworkKhaleghi, N; Hashemi, S; Ardabili, SZ; Sheykhivand, S; Danishvar, S
7-Jan-2024A Novel Approach for Automatic Detection of Driver Fatigue Using EEG Signals Based on Graph Convolutional NetworksArdabili, SZ; Bahmani, S; Lahijan, LZ; Khaleghi, N; Sheykhivand, S; Danishvar, S
30-Sep-2024Specialized gray matter segmentation via a generative adversarial network: application on brain white matter hyperintensities classificationBawil, MB; Shamsi, M; Bavil, AS; Danishvar, S
28-Nov-2024Groundwater level predictions in the Thames Basin, London over extended horizons using Transformers and advanced machine learning modelsAli, AJ; Ahmed, AA; Abbod, MF
3-Jan-2025Rapid post-disaster infrastructure damage characterisation using remote sensing and deep learning technologies: A tiered approachKopiika, N; Karavias, A; Krassakis, P; Ye, Z; Ninic, J; Shakhovska, N; Argyroudis, S; Mitoulis, S-A