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Results 1-10 of 22 (Search time: 0.012 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
6-Dec-2022A Multiobjective Artificial-Hummingbird-Algorithm-Based Framework for Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch Considering Renewable Energy SourcesWaleed, U; Haseeb, A; Ashraf, MM; Siddiq, F; Rafiq, M; Shafique, M
4-Jan-2023Hybrid Weighted Least Square Multi-Verse Optimizer (WLS–MVO) Framework for Real-Time Estimation of Harmonics in Non-Linear LoadsHaseeb, A; Waleed, U; Ashraf, MM; Siddiq, F; Rafiq, M; Shafique, M
12-Nov-2022Global material flow analysis of end-of-life of lithium nickel manganese cobalt oxide batteries from battery electric vehiclesShafique, M; Akbar, A; Rafiq, M; Azam, A; Luo, X
27-Aug-2020Sustainable, renewable and environmental-friendly insulation systems for high voltages applicationsRafiq, M; Shafique, M; Azam, A; Ateeq, M; Khan, IA; Hussain, A
24-Sep-2020Transformer oil-based nanofluid: The application of nanomaterials on thermal, electrical and physicochemical properties of liquid insulation-A reviewRafiq, M; Shafique, M; Azam, A; Ateeq, M
19-May-2022Mitigating Carbon Emissions in China: The Role of Clean Energy, Technological Innovation, and Political-Institutional QualityAzam, A; Rafiq, M; Shafique, M; Yuan, J
15-May-2023Recent progress on BIM-based sustainable buildings: State of the art reviewFonseca Arenas, N; Shafique, M
1-Jan-2021Renewable electricity generation and economic growth nexus in developing countries: An ARDL approachAzam, A; Rafiq, M; Shafique, M; Yuan, J
11-Mar-2022Towards Achieving Environmental Sustainability: The Role of Nuclear Energy, Renewable Energy, and ICT in the Top-Five Carbon Emitting CountriesAzam, A; Rafiq, M; Shafique, M; Yuan, J
30-Mar-2023Interpreting the Dynamic Nexus between Green Energy, Employment, Fossil Fuel Energy, and Human Development Index: A Panel Data InvestigationAzam, A; Rafiq, M; Shafique, M; Yuan, J