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Results 1-10 of 27 (Search time: 0.013 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
23-Sep-2023Numerical and experimental analyses of methane leakage in shield tunnelHe, J; Zhu, H; Wei, X; Jin, R; Jiao, Y; Yin, M
3-May-2022Digital entrepreneurship: global maps and trends of researchZhai, Y; Yang, K; Chen, L; Lin, H; Yu, M; Jin, R
31-May-2022Scientometric review of construction conflict from 1991 to 2020Liu, N; Zhou, R; Jin, R; Xiao, Q; Hu, Z
12-Dec-2023Infrastructure Model Development to Enhance Resilience Against Future Changes Using InfraWorks and GISKhan, UA; Chen, Y; Jin, R; Seidu, R; Tran, D-H
29-Nov-2022Identifying Critical Dispute Causes in the Construction Industry: A Cross-Regional Comparative Study between China and the UKWang, J; Zhang, S; Jin, R; Fenn, P; Yu, D; Zhao, L
28-May-2022Testing the Effects of the Digital Linguistic Landscape on Engineering Education for Smart ConstructionXu, L; Zhang, J; Yuan, Y; Zheng, J; Philbin, SP; Guo, BHW; Jin, R
11-Sep-2023Identifying Unsafe Behavior of Construction Workers: A Dynamic Approach Combining Skeleton Information and Spatiotemporal FeaturesWu, H; Han, Y; Zhang, M; Abebe, BD; Legesse, MB; Jin, R
12-Dec-2023An Investigation into Augmented Reality’s Ability to Assist the Preconstruction Phase of Building ProjectsTran, D-H; Pham, D-T; Devi, M; Jin, R; Adamu, Z; Ebohon, OJ
20-Feb-2023Space and social distancing in managing and preventing COVID-19 community spread: An overviewCheshmehzangi, A; Su, Z; Jin, R; Dawodu, A; Sedrez, M; Pourroostaei Ardakani, S; Zou, T
29-Sep-2023Comparative Analyses of Circularity Practices in Civil and Construction Engineering Between UK and NigeriaOlonade, KA; Shamass, R; McCann, F; Abiodun, YO; Jin, R; Rossi, F