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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
21-Feb-2023Towards development of sustainable lightweight 3D printed wall building envelopes – Experimental and numerical studiesCuevas, K; Strzałkowski, J; Kim, J-S; Ehm, C; Glotz, T; Chougan, M; Ghaffar, SH; Stephan, D; Sikora, P
3-Apr-2020The influence of nano-additives in strengthening mechanical performance of 3D printed multi-binder geopolymer compositesChougan, M; Ghaffar, SH; Jahanzat, M; Albar, A; Mujaddedi, N; Swash, R
19-Apr-20233D printing of limestone-calcined clay cement: A review of its potential implementation in the construction industryAl-Noaimat, YA; Chougan, M; Al-kheetan, MJ; Al-Mandhari, O; Al-Saidi, W; Al-Maqbali, M; Al-Hosni, H; Ghaffar, SH
30-Dec-2022A review of 3D printing low-carbon concrete with one-part geopolymer: Engineering, environmental and economic feasibilityAl-Noaimat, YA; Ghaffar, SH; Chougan, M; Al-Kheetan, MJ
12-Oct-2023Recycled brick aggregates in one-part alkali-activated materials: Impact on 3D printing performance and material propertiesAl-Noaimat, YA; Chougan, M; Albar, A; Skibicki, S; Federowicz, K; Hoffman, M; Sibera, D; Cendrowski, K; Techman, M; Pacheco, JN; Chung, S-Y; Sikora, P; Al-Kheetan, M; Ghaffar, SH
15-Aug-2023Development of 3D printed heavyweight concrete (3DPHWC) containing magnetite aggregateFederowicz, K; Techman, M; Skibicki, S; Chougan, M; El-Khayatt, AM; Saudi, HA; Błyszko, J; Abd Elrahman, M; Chung, SY; Sikora, P
29-Dec-2023Physical Simulation of Brittle Rocks by 3D Printing Techniques Considering Cracking Behaviour and PermeabilityZhao, X; Liu, Y; Zou, C; He, L; Che, P; Li, J
20-Jul-2023Method of fabricating artificial rock specimens based on extrusion free forming (EFF) 3D printingShi, X; Deng, T; Lin, S; Zou, C; Liu, B