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Results 1-10 of 56 (Search time: 0.014 seconds).
Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
10-Oct-2018Patented Nanocellulose Strength Additives for Recycled FibreAhmad, H; Hutton, A
28-Oct-2019The fracture mechanism of softwood via hierarchical modelling analysisWang, D; Lin, L; Fu, F; Fan, M
6-Mar-2019Thermal insulation properties of green vacuum insulation panel using wood fiber as core materialWang, B; Li, Z; Qi, X; Chen, N; Zeng, Q; Dai, D; Fan, M; Rao, J
20-Dec-2019Fracture mechanisms of softwood under longitudinal tensile load at the cell wall scaleWang, D; Lin, L; Fu, F; Fan, M
13-Jul-2017Hydrothermal doping of nitrogen in bamboo-based super activated carbon for hydrogen storageLuo, L; Chen, T; Zhao, W; Fan, M
20-Mar-2018Chloride ion penetration resistance of concrete containing fly ash and silica fume against combined freezing-thawing and chloride attackWang, D; Zhou, X; Fu, B; Zhang, L
2017Alkali activated binders valorised from tungsten mining waste: materials design, preparation, properties and applicationsKastiukas, Gediminas
3-Jul-2019Validated innovative approaches for energy-efficient resource recovery and re-use from municipal wastewater: From anaerobic treatment systems to a biorefinery conceptAkyol, Ç; Foglia, A; Ozbayram, EG; Frison, N; Katsou, E; Eusebi, AL; Fatone, F
4-Nov-2019Long-term operation of a pilot-scale anaerobic membrane bioreactor (AnMBR) treating high salinity low loaded municipal wastewater in real environmentFoglia, A; Akyol, Ç; Frison, N; Katsou, E; Eusebi, AL; Fatone, F
4-Mar-2019Corrosion mechanism and kinetics of Al-Zn coating deposited by arc thermal spraying process in saline solution at prolong exposure periodsLee, HS; Singh, JK; Ismail, MA; Bhattacharya, C; Seikh, AH; Alharthi, N; Hussain, RR