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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
6-Apr-2022Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of H13 Tool Steel Fabricated by Selective Laser MeltingLei, F; Wen, T; Yang, F; Wang, J; Fu, J; Yang, H; Wang, J; Ruan, J; Ji, S
19-Nov-2022Ultrastrong and ductile synergy of additively manufactured H13 steel by tuning cellular structure and nano-carbides through tempering treatmentWen, T; Yang, F; Wang, J; Yang, H; Fu, J; Ji, S
23-Mar-2023Microstructure and mechanical properties of pseudo binary eutectic Al–Mg2Si alloy processed by laser powder bed fusionYang, F; Wang, J; Wen, T; Ai, X; Dong, X; Yang, H; Ji, S
27-Apr-2022A high Fe-containing AlSi12 alloy fabricated by laser powder bed fusionAi, X; Wang, J; Wen, T; Yang, F; Dong, X; Yang, H; Ji, S
22-Nov-2022Improved Strength–Ductility Synergy of a CoCrNi Medium-Entropy Alloy by Ex Situ TiN NanoparticlesWang, A; Wang, J; Yang, F; Wen, T; Yang, H; Ji, S
10-Feb-2024Microstructural evolution and strengthening mechanisms of a high-strength Al-Mg-Si alloy processed by laser powder bed fusion and ageing treatmentWen, T; Wang, J; Li, Z; Yang, F; Liu, Z; Yang, H; Ji, S
5-Sep-2024Effects of In Situ TiB<inf>2</inf> on the Microstructural Evolution, Mechanical Properties, and Friction Behavior of the Al-Si-Cu Alloys Processed by Laser Powder-Bed FusionHe, Z; Wang, J; Zhu, M; Wen, T; Yang, F; Ji, S; Zheng, J; Shan, L; Yang, H
25-Jul-2024CALPHAD aided design of a crack-free Al-Mg-Si-Ti alloy with high strength: heterogeneous nucleation and eutectic filling during additive manufacturingWen, T; Li, Z; Wang, J; Yang, F; Zhu, M; Luo, Y; Zhang, L; Liu, Z; Qiu, D; Yang, H; Ji, S
16-Sep-2024Microstructural evolution and strength enhancement in laser powder bed fusion Al-Mg-Yb-Zr alloysZhu, M; Zhang, M; Wang, J; Wen, T; Yang, F; He, Z; Qiu, D; Zhang, L; Ji, S; Yang, H
16-Dec-2024Effect of heat treatment on microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of eutectic Al-6Mg<inf>2</inf>Si alloy processed by laser powder bed fusionWen, T; Wang, J; Yang, F; Zhu, M; Luo, Y; Liu, Z; Dong, X; Yang, H; Ji, S