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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2009Solidification and processing of aluminium based immiscible alloysKotadia, HR; Patel, JB; Fan, Z; Doernberg, E; Schmid-Fetzer, R
2008Fabrication of metal matrix composites under intensive shearingHari Babu, N; Tzamtzis, S; Barekar, NS; Patel, JB; Fan, Z
2008Rheo-processing of an alloy specifically designed for semi-solid metal processing on the Al-Mg-Si systemPatel, JB; Liu, YQ; Shao, G; Fan, Z
2009Melt conditioning by advanced shear technology (MCAST) for refining solidification microstructuresFan, Z; Xia, M; Zhang, H; Liu, G; Patel, JB; Bian, Z; Bayandorian, I; Wang, Y; Li, HT; Scamans, GM
2009Solidification of Al-Sn-Cu based immiscible alloys under intense shearingKotadia, HR; Doernberg, E; Patel, JB; Fan, Z; Schmid-Fetzer, R