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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
24-Jun-2021New insights into sono-exfoliation mechanisms of graphite: In situ high-speed imaging studies and acoustic measurementsMorton, JA; Khavari, M; Qin, L; Maciejewska, BM; Tyurnina, AV; Grobert, N; Eskin, DG; Mi, J; Porfyrakis, K; Prentice, P; Tzanakis, I
3-Feb-2023Effects of green solvents and surfactants on the characteristics of few-layer graphene produced by dual-frequency ultrasonic liquid phase exfoliation techniqueTyurnina, AV; Morton, JA; Kaur, A; Mi, J; Grobert, N; Porfyrakis, K; Tzanakis, I; Eskin, DG
14-Jun-2024Dual frequency ultrasonic liquid phase exfoliation method for the production of few layer graphene in green solventsKaur, A; Morton, JA; Tyurnina, AV; Priyadarshi, A; Ghorbani, M; Mi, J; Porfyrakis, K; Eskin, DG; Tzanakis, I