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Results 31-40 of 54 (Search time: 0.016 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
23-Mar-2023Microstructure and mechanical properties of pseudo binary eutectic Al–Mg2Si alloy processed by laser powder bed fusionYang, F; Wang, J; Wen, T; Ai, X; Dong, X; Yang, H; Ji, S
27-Apr-2022A high Fe-containing AlSi12 alloy fabricated by laser powder bed fusionAi, X; Wang, J; Wen, T; Yang, F; Dong, X; Yang, H; Ji, S
22-Nov-2022Improved Strength–Ductility Synergy of a CoCrNi Medium-Entropy Alloy by Ex Situ TiN NanoparticlesWang, A; Wang, J; Yang, F; Wen, T; Yang, H; Ji, S
11-May-2023High Pressure Die Cast nAlN reinforced AZ91 Magnesium AlloyKarim, M; Liu, G; Eskin, D; McKay, B
8-Apr-2022Effect of Nd on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Mg-La-Ce Alloys at Ambient and Elevated TemperaturesFeng, L; Dong, X; Cai, Q; Wang, B; Ji, S
28-Jan-2023Inorganic Fillers and Their Effects on the Properties of Flax/PLA Composites after UV DegradationSit, M; Dashatan, S; Zhang, Z; Dhakal, HN; Khalfallah, M; Gamer, N; Ling, J
9-Sep-2023Improving strength-ductility synergy of nano/ultrafine-structured Al/Brass composite by cross accumulative roll bonding processNaseri, M; Reihanian, M; Moghaddam, AO; Gholami, D; Hosseini, S; Alvand, M; Borhani, E; Trofimov, E
26-May-2019Towards directly formable thin gauge AZ31 Mg alloy sheet production by melt conditioned twin roll castingYang, X; Patel, J; Huang, Y; Mendis, C; Fan, Z
29-Nov-2019Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of new die-cast Al-Si-Mg-Mn alloysCai, Q; Mendis, CL; Chang, ITH; Fan, Z
3-Dec-2021Understanding the Effect of Ni Content on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of A384 HPDC AlloyDemirtas, H; Karakulak, E; Nadendla, HB