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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1989One hundred pregnancies after treatment with pulsatile luteinizing-hormone releasing hormone to induce ovulationHomburg, R; Eshel, A; Armar, NA; Tucker, M; Mason, PW; Adams, J; Kilborn, J; Sutherland, IA; Jacobs, HS
1983A new miniature, open-loop, extracorporeal insulin infusion pumpRothwell, D; Sutherland, I A; Pickup, JC; Bending, JJ; Keen, H
1984A miniature infuser for the pulsatile administration of LHRHSutherland, IA; White, S; Chambers, GR; Rothwell, D; Mason, PW; Tucker, M; Jacobs, HS
1985Synthetic studies on Terpenoid lactonesToczek, Judy
1984Seasonal changes in serum testosterone, 11-ketotestosterone, and 1713-estradiol levels in the brown bullhead, Ictalurus nebuIosus LesueurBurke, MG; Leatherland, JF; Sumpter, JP
1989A study of some thin transition metal oxide filmsYagoubi, Benabdellah
1986The dynamics of phase partition. A study of parameters affecting rat liver organelle partitioning in aqueous two-polymer phase systemsHeywood-Waddington, D; Peters, T J; Sutherland, I A
1988Detection of fetal ECG during labour by an intrauterine probeRandall, N J; Steer, P J; Sutherland, I A
1988Pulsatile infusion of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) -investigative and therapeutic applicationsSutherland, IA; Chambers, GR; Polson, DW; Sagle, M; Kiddy, D; Mason, HD; Franks, S
1984Toroidal coil countercurrent chromatography in the affinity partitioning of nicotinic cholinergic receptor enriched membranesFlanagan, SD; Johansson, G; Yost, B; Ito, Y; Sutherland, IA