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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2008Evidence of temperature-dependent effects on the estrogenic response of fish: implications with regard to climate changeBrian, JV; Harris, CA; Runnalls, TJ; Fantinati, A; Pojana, G; Marcomini, A; Booy, P; Lamoree, M; Kortenkamp, A; Sumpter, JP
2007Evidence of estrogenic mixture effects on the reproductive performance of fishBrian, JV; Harris, CA; Scholze, M; Kortenkamp, A; Booy, P; Lamoree, M; Pojana, G; Jonkers, N; Marcomini, A; Sumpter, JP
2007Benzotriazole is antiestrogenic in vitro but not in vivoHarris, CA; Routledge, EJ; Schaffner, C; Brian, JV; Giger, W; Sumpter, JP
2006Endocrine disrupting effects on the nesting behaviour of male three-spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus LBrian, JV; Augley, JJ; Braithwaite, VA
2008Meeting report: Risk assessment of Tamiflu use under pandemic conditionsSinger, AC; Howard, BM; Johnson, AC; Knowles, CJ; Jackman, S; Accinelli, C; Caracciolo, AB; Bernard, I; Bird, S; Boucard, T; Boxall, A; Brian, JV; Cartmell, E; Chubb, C; Churchley, J; Costigan, S; Crane, M; Dempsey, MJ; Dorrington, B; Ellor, B; Fick, J; Holmes, J; Hutchinson, T; Karcher, F; Kelleher, SL; Marsden, P; Noone, G; Nunn, MA; Oxford, J; Rachwal, T; Roberts, N; Roberts, M; Sacca, ML; Sanders, M; Straub, JO; Terry, A; Thomas, D; Toovey, S; Townsend, R; Vouivoulis, N; Watts, C
2006Patterns of morphological and genetic variability in UK populations of the shore crab, Carcinus maenas Linnaeus, 1758 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura)Brian, JV; Fernandes, T; Ladle, RJ; Todd, PA
2011Estrogenic activity of tropical fish food can alter baseline vitellogenin concentrations in male fathead minnow (Pimephales Promelas)Beresford, NA; Brian, JV; Runnalls, TJ; Sumpter, JP; Jobling, S
2011A computational model of the hypothalamic - pituitary - gonadal axis in female fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) exposed to 17α-ethynylestradiol and 17β-trenboloneLi, Z; Kroll, KJ; Jensen, KM; Villeneuve, DL; Ankley, GT; Brian, JV; Sepúlveda, MS; Orlando, EF; Lazorchak, JM; Kostich, M; Armstrong, B; Denslow, ND; Watanabe, KH
2009Hypoxia does not influence the response of fish to a mixture of estrogenic chemicalsBrian, JV; Beresford, NA; Walker, J; Pojana, G; Fantinati, A; Marcomini, A; Sumpter, JP
2013Science and policy on endocrine disrupters must not be mixed: a reply to a "common sense" intervention by toxicology journal editorsBergman, A; Andersson, A-M; Becher, G; van den Berg, M; Blumberg, B; Bjerregaard, P; Bornehag, C-G; Bornman, R; Brandt, I; Brian, JV; Casey, SC; Fowler, PA; Frouin, H; Giudice, LC; Iguchi, T; Hass, U; Jobling, S; Juul, A; Kidd, KA; Kortenkamp, A; Lind, M; Martin, OV; Muir, D; Ochieng, R; Olea, N; Norrgren, L; Ropstad, E; Ross, PS; Ruden, C; Scheringer, M; Skakkebaek, NE; Soder, O; Sonnenschein, C; Soto, A; Swan, S; Toppari, J; Tyler, CR; Vandenberg, LN; Vinggaard, AM; Wiberg, K; Zoeller, RT