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Results 1-10 of 97 (Search time: 0.038 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2010Impact of earthquakes on agriculture during the Roman–Byzantine period from pollen records of the Dead Sea laminated sedimentLeroy, SAG; Marco, S; Bookman, R; Miller, CS
2012The North Atlantic Oscillation, climate change and the ecology of British insectsWestgarth-Smith, Angus
2012Recent high-energy marine events in the sediments of the Lagoa de Óbidos and Martinhal (Portugal): Recognition, age and likely causesCosta, PJM; Leroy, SAG; Dinis, JL; Dawson, AG; Kortekaas, S
2012Large-scale potential vorticity anomalies and deep convectionRussell, A; Vaughan, G; Norton, EG
2011Revealing the last 13,500 years of environmental history from the multiproxy record of a mountain lake (Lago Enol, northern Iberian Peninsula)López-Merino, L; Leira, M; Marco-Barba, J; González-Sampériz, P; Valero-Garcés, BL; López-Sáez, JA; Santos, L; Mata, P; Ito, E
2010Past and present potential distribution of the Iberian Abies species: A phytogeographic approach using pollen data and species distribution modelsLópez-Sáez, JA; Benito de Pando, B; Linares, JC; Nieto-Lugilde, D; López-Merino, L
2014An integrated multidisciplinary approach to study the effects of copper and osmotic stress in fishDe Polo, Anna
2010The tectonic influence on the last 1500-year infill history of a deep lake located on the North Anatolian Fault: Lake Sapanca (N-W Turkey)Leroy, SAG; Schwab, MJ; Costa, PJM
2015A comparison of aquatic species responses to anticancer drug exposureHarris, Graham
2015Bioavailability of organic contaminants in riversOnogbosele, Cyril Oziegbe