Showing results 28812 to 28831 of 28839
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2015 | Zebrafish as a model to study the role of Peroxisome Proliferating-Activated Receptors in adipogenesis and obesity | Den Broeder, MJ; Kopylova, VA; Kamminga, LM; Legler, J |
1993 | Zero curvature conditions and conformal covariance | Akemann, G; Grimm, R |
2021 | Zero waste approach towards a sustainable waste management | Awasthi, AK; Cheela, VRS; D’Adamo, I; Iacovidou, E; Islam, MR; Johnson, M; Miller, TR; Parajuly, K; Parchomenko, A; Radhakrishan, L; Zhao, M; Zhang, C; Li, J |
21-Sep-2022 | Zero-Defect Manufacturing and Automated Defect Detection Using Time of Flight Diffraction (TOFD) Images | Subramaniam, S; Kanfoud, J; Gan, TH |
1994 | Zero-one IP problems: Polyhedral descriptions & cutting plane procedures | Abdul-Hamid, F; Mitra, G; Yarrow, L |
2005 | Zero-sum? Realising the value of IT in business | Sharif, AM |
30-Sep-2023 | Zero-waste circular economy of plastic packaging: The bottlenecks and a way forward | Novakovic, K; Thumbarathy, D; Peeters, M; Geoghegan, M; Jefferies, JG; Hicks, C; Manika, D; Dai, S |
1974 | The zeros of partial sums of a maclaurin expansion | Talbot, A |
2012 | Zeta Potential of Modified Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes in Presence of poly (vinyl alcohol) Hydrogel | de la Cruz, EF; Zheng, Y; Torres, E; Li, W; Song, W; Burugapalli, K |
2013 | The zinc cluster protein Sut1 contributes to filamentation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae | Foster, HA; Cui, M; Naveenathayalan, A; Unden, H; Schwanbeck, R; Höfken, T |
2015 | The zinc cluster proteins Upc2 and Ecm22 promote filamentation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by sterol biosynthesis-dependent and -independent pathways. | Woods, K; Höfken, T |
2015 | The Zionist movement in search of grand strategy | Wagner, S |
16-Sep-2017 | ZnCdS:Cu,Al,Cl: A Near Infra-Red Emissive Family of Phosphors for Marking, Coding, and Identification | Marsh, PJ; Fern, GR; Ireland, TG; Salimian, A |
21-Sep-2022 | Zonotopic distributed fusion for nonlinear networked systems with bit rate constraint | Zhao, Z; Wang, Z; Zou, L; Chen, Y; Sheng, W |
2014 | Žižek and Performance | Chow, BDV; Mangold, A |
2020 | µECM process investigation and sustainability assessment | Mortazavi Nasiri, Mina |
2017 | Η διαλεκτική της ηγεμονίας (The dialectic of hegemony) | Thomas, PD |
2016 | Οἰκονο&ία and Custom in the Canonical Commentaries of Theodore Balsamon | Petkoff, P |
3-Jan-2022 | Παιδεία του Πολίτη στο Αναλυτικό Πρόγραμμα του Ελληνικού Δημοτικού Σχολείου | Efthymiou, G; Papanikolaou, P |
2022 | Παιδεία του Πολίτη στο Αναλυτικό Πρόγραμμα του Ελληνικού Δημοτικού Σχολείου: ευκαιρίες και προκλήσεις | Efthymiou, G; Papanikolaou, P |