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Showing results 27903 to 27922 of 28843 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
28-Oct-2024Vaccine Misinformation Detection in X using Cooperative Multimodal FrameworkNaseem, U; Dunn, AG; Khushi, M; Kim, J
18-Mar-2019Vacuum insulation in cold chain equipment: A reviewVerma, S; Singh, H
2011Vacuum Insulation Panels (VIPs) for building construction industry - A review of the contemporary developments and future directionsAlam, M; Singh, H; Limbachiya, MC
26-Oct-2020Vacuum insulation panels (VIPs) for use in buildingsRottenbacher, K; Singh, H; Tavares, J; Almeida, FA; Kolokotroni, M; Caps, R
2019Vacuum Insulation Panels for Fish BoxVerma, S; Singh, H
9-Dec-2019Vacuum insulation panels for refrigeratorsVerma, S; Singh, H
26-Jul-2021Vacuum insulation panels for thermal energy storage systemsVerma, S; Singh, H
2018Vacuum phototriodes for electromagnetic calorimeter applicationsZahid, Sema
2004Vacuum phototriodes for the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter endcapBell, KW; Brown, RM; Cockerill, DJA; Flower, PS; Hobson, PR; Kennedy, BW; Lintern, AL; Selby, CS; Sharif, O; Sproston, M; Williams, JH
2002VADA: A transformation-based system for variable dependence analysisHarman, M; Fox, C; Hierons, RM; Hu, L; Danicic, S; Wegener, J
2016Validated AE application for continuous monitoring of the structural condition of the supporting structure of offshore wind turbinesAngulo, Á; Kanfoud, J; Lage, Y; Hervé, C; Soua, S; Perrin, G; Gan, TH
3-Jul-2019Validated innovative approaches for energy-efficient resource recovery and re-use from municipal wastewater: From anaerobic treatment systems to a biorefinery conceptAkyol, Ç; Foglia, A; Ozbayram, EG; Frison, N; Katsou, E; Eusebi, AL; Fatone, F
2010A validated methodology for the prediction of heating and cooling energy demand for buildings within the Urban Heat Island: Case-study of LondonDavies, M; Croxford, B; Bhuiyan, S; Mavrogianni, A
2-Mar-2023Validated respiratory drug deposition predictions from 2D and 3D medical images with statistical shape models and convolutional neural networksWilliams, J; Ahlqvist, H; Cunningham, A; Kirby, A; Katz, I; Fleming, J; Conway, J; Cunningham, S; Ozel, A; Wolfram, U
26-Jan-2024Validated respiratory drug deposition predictions from 2D and 3D medical images with statistical shape models and convolutional neural networksWilliams, J; Ahlqvist, H; Cunningham, A; Kirby, A; Katz, I; Fleming, J; Conway, J; Cunningham, S; Ozel, A; Wolfram, U
12-Aug-2021Validating circular performance indicators: The interface between circular economy and stakeholdersNika, CE; Expósito, A; Kisser, J; Bertino, G; Oral, HV; Dehghanian, K; Vasilaki, V; Iacovidou, E; Fatone, F; Atanasova, N; Katsou, E
2011Validating digital forensic evidenceShanmugam, Karthikeyan
2017Validating scanned foot images and designing customized insoles on the cloudTerstyanszky, G; Kiss, T; Taylor, S; Anagnostou, A; Subira, M; Padula, G; De Meer Alonso, E; Rapun, JMM
2005Validating task analysis for error identification: Reliability and validity of a human error prediction techniqueStanton, NA; Baber, C
14-Jul-2022Validating the Breathing Vigilance Questionnaire for use in Dysfunctional BreathingSteinmann, J; Lewis, A; Ellmers, T; Jones, M; MacBean, V; Kal, E