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Showing results 21549 to 21568 of 28795 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
17-Apr-2023R v Natwest (2021): Another turning point in the regulation of big banks?Barnes, V; De Pascalis, F
10-Jan-2019R v Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, ex parte World Development Movement: Financial Prudence, Interfering BusybodiesOlowofoyeku, AA
1982R.M. remembersBell, R
2007R134a flow boiling heat transfer in small diameter tubesHuo, Y; Tian, S; Karayiannis, TG
2004R134a flow patterns in small diameter tubesChen, L; Tian, YS; Karayiannis, TG
4-May-2007Rab27b Regulates Mast Cell Granule Dynamics and SecretionMizuno, K; Tolmachova, T; Ushakov, DS; Romao, M; Åbrink, M; Ferenczi, MA; Raposo, G; Seabra, MC
11-Jul-2019Race and Sexuality by Salvador Vidal-Ortiz, Brandon Andrew Robinson & Cristina KhanHalász, K
2017The race equality directive 2000/43/ec – is it effective in the EU accession states in ensuring the rights of Roma minority (in accessing mainstream education and labour market)? – A case study on HungaryHamvas, Sharmin Chowdhury
2001Race, Ethnicity, and Gender in British BasketballChappell, RH; Karageorghis, CI
10-Jan-2024Race, racism and the geography curriculum <b>Race, racism and the geography curriculum</b> , by John Morgan and David Lambert, London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2023, x+185pp., E17.49 (paperback), ISBN 9781350336643Rai, R
2020Race-ethnic and gender differences in representation within the English National Health Service: a quantitative analysisMilner, A; Baker, E; Jeraj, S; Butt, J
23-Jan-2023Racial and Ethnic Microaggressions on School Placements: A Resource for MentorsTereshchenko, A; Kaur, B; Wiggins, A
11-Sep-2024Racial microaggressions on the initial teacher education programmes: implications for minority ethnic teacher retentionTereshchenko, A; Kaur, B; Cara, O; Wiggins, A; Pillinger, C
12-Jan-2018The Racialized Surveillant Assemblage: Islam and the fear of TerrorismSharma, S; Nijjar, J
5-May-2023Racializing space, spatializing “race”: racialization, its urban spatialization, and the making of “Northeastern” identity in “world class” DelhiRai, R
5-Jul-2024Racially Determined Case Characteristics: Exploring Disparities in the Use of Sentencing Factors in England and WalesGuilfoyle, E; Pina-Sánchez, J
26-Jan-2021Radi, M., Darwish, M., Taylor, G. and Pisica, I. (2021) 'Control Configurations for Reactive Power Compensation at the Secondary Side of the Low Voltage Substation by Using Hybrid Transformer' Energies, 14(3), 620, pp. 1-23. doi: 10.3390/en14030620.Radi, M; Darwish, M; Taylor, G; Pisica, I
2008The radial arrangement of the human chromosome 7 in the lymphocyte cell nucleus is associated with chromosomal band gene densityFederico, C; Cantarella, CD; Di Mare, P; Tosi, S; Saccone, S
2017Radial Expander Design for an Engine Organic Rankine Cycle Waste Heat Recovery SystemAlshammari, F; Karvountzis-Kontakiotis, A; Pesiridis, A; Minton, T
Jan-2019Radial integration boundary element method for two-dimensional non-homogeneous convection–diffusion–reaction problems with variable source termAL-Bayati, SA; Wrobel, LC