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Showing results 12140 to 12159 of 28803 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
10-May-2023‘I am not a teacher!’ The challenges of enacting home schooling during the Covid-19 pandemic among low-income families of primary-aged childrenHoskins, K; Wainwright, E
6-Sep-2019“I can do this”: a qualitative exploration of acceptability and experiences of a physical activity behaviour change intervention in people with multiple sclerosis in the UKFortune, J; Norris, M; Stennett, A; Kilbride, C; Lavelle, G; Hendrie, W; de Souza, L; Abdul, M; Brewin, D; David, L; Anokye, N; Victor, C; Ryan, JM
2016“I Collected Money, not a Bribe”: Strategic Ambiguity and the Dynamics of Corruption in Contemporary NigeriaDumbili, E; Sofadekan, A
1-Jun-2019I determinanti dei movimenti migratori in conseguenza di cambiamenti climatici: brevi spunti introduttiviLauriola, P; Parrish, R; Leonardi, G; Colbourn, T; Hajat, S; Zeka, A
1-May-2014'I dont want to hear': HIV, AIDS and the power of words in Bushbuckridge, South AfricaNiehaus, I
2010"I feel like half my body is clogged up": Lay models of stroke in Central Aceh, IndonesiaNorris, M; Allotey, P; Barrett, G
2024I fought the law and the law won! Life, Death, Burial and Resurrection of the EU Dublin System. Some proposals for a human rights sensitive reformSullo, P
18-Sep-2020‘I go to school to survive’: Facing physical, moral and economic uncertainties in rural LesothoDungey, CE; Ansell, N
2010“I h 8 u”: Findings from a five-year study of text and e-mail bullyingRivers, I; Noret, N
2017‘I haue paid the Duty to the Sonne, which I haue vowed to the Father’: Serving the Father in John Ford’s ’Tis Pity She’s A WhoreSheeha, I
2016“I haven’t heard anything about religion whatsoever”: Audience perceptions of anti-Muslim racism in Sacha Baron Cohen’s The DictatorWeaver, S; Bradley, L
2013“I know how to look after myself a lot better now”: Service user perspectives on mental health in-patient rehabilitation.Notley, J; Pell, H; Bryant, W; Grove, M; Croucher, A; Cordingley, K; Blank, A
1-Jan-2016'I Like the Metamorphosis of the Characters': Dynamics of Transnational Television Comedy EngagementLockyer, S; Popa, D
2014“I Used to Care but Things Have Changed”: A Genealogy of Compassion in Organizational TheorySimpson, AV; Clegg, S; Pitsis, T
21-Jul-2024“I want kids to have the same feeling as I do towards physical activity”: Acculturation of British preservice physical education teachersCurtner-Smith, MD; Theodoulides, A; Chappell, A; Harris, E; Kinchin, GD
1-Nov-2021'I wanted to offer my sympathy ... woman to woman': Reading The Crown during a conjuncture of crisisClancy, L; De Benedictis, S
31-Oct-2024I'm a chatbot, ask me anything: using ChatGPT to improve learning experiencesPickard-Jones, B; Thomson, S; Baines, S; Otermans, P
2017“I'm sure we made it a better study…” Parent carers’ and adults with intellectual disabilities’ experiences of patient and public involvement in a health research studyCarey, I; Hosking, F; DeWilde, S; Cook, D; Manners, P; Harris, T
2014I-MEET framework for the evaluation e-government services From engaging stakeholders' perspectivesOsman, I; Anouze, AL; Hindi, NM; Irani, Z; Lee, H; Weerakkody, V
2012I. African court on human and peoples’ rights, African commission on human and peoples’ rights v. Great socialist people’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, order for provisional measures, 25 March 2011Polymenopoulou, E