Browsing by Author Yim, CH

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Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2-Dec-2024Comparison of transformation behavior of the peritectic steels with different carbon content and its correlation to the slab quality during solidificationZamanian, A; Goo, NH; Zargar, T; Sadeghi, F; Lee, SY; Heo, YU; Lee, JS; Hong, DG; Kim, JH; Kwak, HJ; Kim, SG; Nam, CH; Yim, CH
25-Aug-2023Microstructure and texture analysis of 304 austenitic stainless steel using Bragg edge transmission imagingBakhtiari, M; Sadeghi, F; Sato, H; Um, W; Yim, CH; Lee, H-S